It was an extremely cold evening when each member finally arrived at the factory.It used to be a biscuit factory back in the old days,but since closed its doors and shutdown due to total bankruptcy.The factory was said to have been losing lots of money on the materials needed to produce the biscuits,and selling the products cheaper to clients because of poor management skills,which brought all operations to a total halt.”Do not be nervous guys,it’s not our first job,we’ve done this more then several times,”said Bra G as everyone was getting prepared,loading their armory and all other necessary tools and equipment into the massive blue panel van.Sporo spent most of the time examining the panel van right round,because he was to be the designated driver for the duration of the trip as they now called it.”How much gas is in this panel van?”Sporo asked Bra G while everyone was getting along with the loading of weaponry into the van,”it’s a full tank Sporo,we can’t afford to be running short of gas,not on such an important evening.”Sporo continued studying the layout of his vehicle to be driven.In the back of the panel van was Gigabyte,in his very own compartment specially built for his computer lab,with a cigarette in his mouth and testing all equipment,to ensure all was in working order.”Could you please kill that damn cigarette Gigabyte!you choking me,”said Sporo from the drivers seat,still examining his vehicle.The air was a little below temperature today evening as the daily weather forecast had said,and fortunately every member came dressed just suitably for the last trip.”In exactly 3 minutes we depart guys,and make sure everything is loaded.No mistakes this time.”Bra G said that affirmatively,he was always at his most serious and alertive when a job was going to be done.”I think we ready to rock n roll,it’s time to get the pot boiling,”Yung- Lee said,looking as hyped as ever.Thandeka on the other hand,had already taken a seat in the panel van,trying to bring her mind on par with what was about to take place.Bra G took the front passenger seat next to Sporo the driver,and the rest jumped into the back of the large spacious panel van,with Gigabyte right at the back in his computer lab compartment.Sporo looked into his phone smiling,whilst sitting in the drivers seat before giving the ignition a turn to get the V8 engine to life.”Now this,is a man made beast,”said Sporo with excitement while driving the panel van slowly towards the exit of the factory’s door.

Sporo was clocking the panel van to almost 160 k’s an hour on the highway while chatting on his phone,and never at all looking at the speedometer.He was used to it.Bra G sat on his side,looking at him push this massive monster V8 to its limits.At first Bra G never trusted Sporo’s driving,but gradually watching him drive them out of past scenes with constant success made Bra G trust his driving.A little argument broke out in the back.It was an argument to do with who gets shakey before a job gets done.”Macbeth gets the shakes before a job is done.Dont get your pants wet Beth,”said Gigabyte aloud in the spacious van as the entire crew laughed,except Mark who looked calm and relaxed.Macbeth looked at Gigabyte with a serious but teasy look and said,”Young rich spoilt english brat.You should’nt have left mummy and daddy,maby you still would’ve been getting your hot cup of coffee and hot scones delivered to your bedside by your caretaker,”everyone broke into laughter,even Mark this time.”Thandeka gave Macbeth a high five in the air and said,”That one was a kick in the butt for Gigabyte”whilst laughing.”Kill the fun and jokes back there,it’s no time for preschool rhymes,”Bra G’s voice said from the front.”I’ve managed to crack the entire code used in the whole McCalen mansion,from the main entrance to the centre security gate,and all the way right through to the last barricade where the cash Safe is.”Gigabyte said that with alot of confidence,as if praising himself for a job well done with a lit cigarette in his mouth.”Well done Bill Gates,”said Yung-Lee while polishing his personalised pistol he’d never ever used ever since joining the crew,”I hope you did’nt forget the masks,we cant afford to take a risk just as we are.The McCalen mansion is rumoured to have at least,229 hidden cameras on all points of the premises.”Said Bra G as if teaching students in a science lesson.

The Panel van now entered the rich classy looking estates,and drove slowly on the quiet street in the darkness.Everyone in the van was amazed by the mansions they drove past,glancing with tongues hanging form their mouths”The next house is the McCalen mansion,”said Bra G as everyone looked in astonishment at the enormity of this masterpiece.The McCalen mansion was the largest property in the estate and looked like a shopping centre during the evening.The lights were so bright,the night literally turned into daytime.The Panel van parked on the opposite side of the road,as the team analysed the entire situation.Sporo froze for a moment when he noticed almost 6 rottweilers run around freely in the premise area,’Am i glad i’m only a driver,’Sporo thought to himself,because Sporo actually dreaded dogs with his entire heart,but being the driver,it wasn’t necessary for Sporo to enter the premises.The team sat in the van trying to put together an action plan,when all of the sudden an explosion hit the entire premises to bits and pieces with fires burning all over the property.It was now very noisy and full of smoke with everyone trying to find their way out,even the securities were unrecognisable and the dogs disorientated by the explosion.And that’s when Bra G shouted out in the van,”It’s now or never,the time is now.Each person search for the volt with the money,whoever finds it,heads back to the van and we all meet here again”He said it very loud and precise.”Sporo you stay behind the wheel and get ready to drive when we return.And you Gigabyte will check on radar how far the police are,and let us know over the microphone.And to the rest of us,let’s go and fetch our money.Oh,please guys…No guns,we don’t need them.”