“Are you in or out Mark?”the gang leader asked him with a facial expression that clearly said he was in no good mood today.”Does it really matter whether am in or out Bra G?”Mark answered,with a look of trouble in his eyes.”Of course am in Big Guy,why would i want to miss a last chance at making my last share of R1mil?”Bra G smiled and raised his glass to the entire 7 men crew standing Infront of him,and said”this is to our last job to be done gentleman.May success and riches come forth,for this time we taking the whole R10mil my boys and girls.”The crew consisted of 5 males and 2 females with the Mastermind himself,Bra G,so in total the gang had 8 members all pursuing the same goal of getting it right for this last final job.
Mark was the youngest one,at only 23 yrs old Mark knew how to operate a rifle better then all the other members in the gang,he was coloured,slender looking with a very fast and brisk walk and talk that sometimes made the other gang members wonder where he got his daily energy from.A chained smoker who believed life was only going to get started once he got that R1mil in his palms.His plans are mainly to go and start a new life in Italy and start a business in the tobacco industry.Then there’s Christopher,tallest in the gang,lanky looking with his rastafarian bombastic beanies.Quiet a heavy cigarette smoker.The gang members call him Gigabyte,because he’s basically the nerd in the gang and the computer freak with spectacles so thick you’d think he was Albert Einstein of SA.Gigabyte knows so much about computers,he can even run an entire system with his eyes closed.He’s 32 yrs old and is white and loves black South African tradition.
Then follows Mandla,also called Sporo by the team.They call him Sporo because his best in the drivers seat,nevermind the fact that he doesn’t even have a drivers liscense.Sporo is 32 yrs old,learnt how to drive a car when he was only 5 yrs old and can handle a car at ease in any situation whatsoever.People in his neighbourhood call him the Transporter.He’s short with a bald head,and likes his leather jackets and blue denims.He hates cigarette with a passion but loves lady’s so much he spends most of his time chatting on his phone.After Sporo comes Thandeka,35 yrs old with a very serious look,she’s the kind of lady that can take Mike Tyson on a 1 on 1 boxing match.The team calls her Viper,because of her tendency of knocking men out with her venomous tongue,she once dropped 3 guys who tried robbing her of items she herself had come from robbing.She’s tall and loves her baseball caps,with a ponytail going through the back of her cap,and enjoys her hip hop clothing.She wants to go start a new life in the States of America and believes it’s now or never..
Then comes Bradley,they call him Chilli Bite.A 31 year old Indian male,Durbanite.Loves the street life and loves everything to do with guns.Funny he joined such an industry because his dad was top detective during the time Chilli Bite was still a kid.He’s not too tall,not as tall as Gigabyte,slightly shorter with a surfer boy kind of look.His dream is mainly to open a restaurant somewhere back in Durbs.Macbeth,36 yrs old,white female,strong figure and very quiet.A very good listener who hates orders except from Bra G.She’s afrikaans and totally doesn’t get along with Gigabyte,she’s told him quiet a number of times that she will kill him and send his body back to his family in pieces,not that she would really do it.Macbeth has red hair and slight freakles on her cheeks,she’s medium in height,just a little shorter then Thandeka and knows quiet well how to work with artillery and heavy armory.
We also have Yung-Lee.A 34 yr old South African Chinese,the shortest in the group,they also call him Tiger.He is so quick in his martial artistic form.A very friendly guy who dislikes people talking behind his back,and hates being pennyless.A good gun handler and master of the chuck sticks.Has a dream to do his last job and go back to China,possibly to start a rice farm and teach martial arts on a professional level.
Last but not least,Bra G.38 yrs old,chubby with a clean bald head and wide nose.Serious looking face with a scar just above his upper lip,got the scar before he started this gang.He hardly ever laughs,especially not on the job and loves spitting when he feels irritated.He once spat into an ex members face in the previous gang he ran with,and got stabbed above the lip,pulled out his silver pistol and spread the guys brains apart.He doesn’t think twice and does what he says effectively and authoratively.Loves nibbling on his dried wors with gold chains all over his fingers,wrists and neck.
“Tonight is the night.Tonight we shall each be R1mil richer.Are there any objections regarding our last job?”Everyone kept quiet only just hoping everything could go well and proper.Eventually Chilli Bite asked,”what happens to the left over R2mil after we share the R8mil Bra G?”Bra G laughed graciously and simply answered.”We shall take a trip around the world and blow it,we shall celebrate to it,party,vibe,eat,spend spend spend and spend some more until it’s done,then everyone shall take to their own plan.Now with that said,here’s a glass to millions to come.See you all tonight members of a new life.”Everyone exited the factory to get to their tasks.