SETTING: Mangisa’s residence in Lunzu.

(Kondi is not at ease with his own mind, he can’t believe that Norah is a genuine fiance of Richard who looks way older than her and dangerous. He reaches his aunt’s home and she is there on the veranda.)

MANGISA: (Looks very angry in her plastic chair) Don’t you dare to enter into my house without explaining where you had been!

KONDI: (Shows off banknotes) Aunt, I was doing your business see, I managed to sell all the fish in a single day.

MANGISA: I don’t care. (Snatches the money from his hands and counts it). And where did you sleep?

KONDI: Uh, at my friend’s home.

MANGISA: Mxiwww! Pack your things and go back to your friend.

KONDI: (Shocked) But aunt, why?

MANGISA: I don’t have time to handle your stupid behavior, leave now! Nonsense.

KONDI: But aunt I slept there because it was late. I cannot go back to live there, understand me aunt.

MANGISA: Then go back to the village, I don’t want you here. I’m done feeding your ungrateful mouth! (Throws k5,000 note at him)

KONDI: (Picks up the note) Okay, I’m leaving aunt.

(Kondi packs his few things and leaves. He tries calling Norah but she can’t pick up. Kondi feels he needs to check up on her to say goodbye so, he boards a taxi to town.)

SETTING: Buchanan’s residence in Mount pleasant.

(It’s now 8:30 am, Nancy bumps into Kondi outside the main gate and she is carrying a black plastic bag containing multiple five gram pieces of cocaine she had extracted from the fish that Kondi brought innocently.)

KONDI: Whoops! why are you so fast as if someone is chasing you?

NANCY: (Panting heavily) Cute boy, you’re here again…don’t go in there, Richard will kill you!

KONDI: What’s going on? Where is Norah?

NANCY: She is in her bedroom, but never mind her she’ll sort it out with her crazy old man. If you go back in there Richard will kill you for messing up his relationship…he knows you were with Norah overnight. Come with me and live a good life, I’ll buy for you anything you want.

KONDI: I can’t come with you, why are you not making sense?

NANCY: (Pulls out Kondi’s hand) I love you, come with me because I’m about to be rich.

KONDI: (Pushes away her hand) No, I’m not coming with you. I’m going inside to see if Norah is okay.

NANCY: (Gutted) Why do you care so much about her? She is Richard’s prize and her dad will never ever allow you to be close to her.

KONDI: Sorry, but I’ve to check up on her. (Proceeds towards the gate)

NANCY : Please don’t go. (Feels heart-broken and guilty)

(Kondi enters through the main gate and Nancy gives up on him and continues running away from Richard with the cocaine. Then Kondi enters the lounge where he finds Gerald laying dead in his own pool of blood on the floor. Kondi is horrified with what he is seeing and he can hear Richard shouting and Norah crying in her bedroom. He hurries up.)

RICHARD: (Pushes Norah to the floor) How could you offer everything you denied me to a poor rat!? answer me!

NORAH: I love him and I hate you.

RICHARD: (Grabs her by hair) Do you know how much I strived for your dad to give me you!?

NORAH: (Crying) Leave me alone you animal.

(Kondi enters the scene.)

KONDI: Sir, leave her alone!

RICHARD: (Looks around) Wow, the boy with cooler box is here, thank you for coming back.

KONDI: Please leave her alone you’re hurting her!

RICHARD: I can’t, so what!?

KONDI: I’ll force you to let her go. (Pulls off his backpack)

RICHARD: Oh, that’s very brave, all this because you broke her virginity? Ho-ho! I don’t think she even tastes better than Nancy!

KONDI: (Adrenaline builds up) I’m warning you…

RICHARD: Mhuu, boy, you don’t know who I’m… Listen… You insulted me more than any rival gang member did in my entire life. You polluted my pure girl and yet you’ve got the guts to come back!?…how about you watch her follow Gerald to the death place, so nobody wins between us!? (Seizes Norah’s neck to strangle her to death.)

KONDI: Hey! Hey! Stop it! (Picks up Norah’s boot and closes in to Richard)


(Kondi hits Richard in the head and he collapses to the floor. Kondi also realises that Richard had stabbed him on his belly and he collapses too. Norah can barely let her voice out, she is bruised on her face and neck, but she manages to crawl to her phone and calls emergency service.)