After one hour of driving the teacher makes an announcement that the we’ll be there in two hours.

“Psst” Jake makes that sound to wake jasmine up.

“What the fuck do you want Jake?” She whispers without looking to the back.

“Could we change seats?” He says.

“No piss off” she says as she starts getting angry.

“Please” he says

“No” she replys

“Pleaseeee” he nags

“For fucks sake just come on” she says getting up over me and switching seats with Jake.

When he sits down next to me he lifts the arm chair that’s seperates our seats and throws a blanket over us.

“What are you doing?” I say to him

“Shh you’ll draw attention to us baby” did he just call me baby?

“Whatever” I say in a cold tone.

Suddenly I feel his arm around my waist and the other one on my neck.

All of a sudden he kisses me and in a minute his already trying to loosen my button to my jeans. I pull away.

“Jake no we’re on a bus Im not gonna have sex on a bus” I whisper to him.

“Okay baby I’ll wait until you’re ready” he says as I sigh as I sit back down into my seat.