Later that night, Zanele sat alone in the living room, her thoughts racing. She knew she couldn’t rob a bank, but the thought kept coming back to her. She needed the money. She needed to save her children.Finally, she picked up the phone and dialed a number from memory. She knew it by heart. The phone rang, and she heard a familiar voice on the other end.”It’s me,” she said, her voice trembling. “I need your help.”There was a pause. Then, “Of course,” the voice said. Unfortunately Zanele got distracted by the network in her surrounding the call was hanged up.The next morning, Zanele’s phone rang. It was the voice from the night before.”I’ve got everything set up,” the voice said. “Meet me tonight, at the usual place.”Zanele felt a surge of fear and excitement. She knew what she was about to do was wrong, but she couldn’t stop herself. She had to save her children. She hung up the phone and began to get ready.Later that night, she pulled up to the meeting place. Her heart was pounding as she got out of the car. She looked around, but the street was deserted.Just as she was about to turn and leave, a car pulled up next to her. The window rolled down, and she saw the man from the phone call sitting behind the wheel.”Get in,” he said, his voice low.Zanele hesitated, but she knew she had no choice. She got into the car.The man drove in silence for a few minutes, then he spoke. “I can help you,” he said. “But you have to do exactly what I say.”Zanele’s heart was racing. What was she getting herself into? But she had to save her children.Zanele couldn’t sleep the night before the planned robbery. She tossed and turned, her mind racing with thoughts of what could go wrong. But she couldn’t back out now. She had to do this for her children.When the morning finally came, she got dressed and made her way to the bank. Her heart was in her throat as she walked through the front doors. She tried to appear calm and collected, but inside, she was a mess of nerves.As she approached the teller window, she saw the man from the car out of the corner of her eye. He was there, just as he had promised.As the teller looked up from her work, Olivia’s hands began to shake. She had to act quickly, before she lost her nerve.”This is a robbery,” she said, her voice trembling. “I need all of the money in the cash drawer.”The teller’s eyes widened, and she began to reach for the silent alarm. But before she could push the button, Zanele held up a gun.”I’m serious,” she said. “Don’t press that button.The teller’s hands shook as she counted out the cash, putting it into a bag that Zanele had brought with her. The whole time, Zanele kept the gun trained on the teller, her own hands shaking with adrenaline.”Is that all of it?” she asked, her voice sounding harsher than she had intended.The teller nodded, still trembling. “Yes,” she said. “That’s all of it.”

Zanele’s heart was racing, and she could feel the sweat running down her back. She had to get out of there before anyone noticed what was happening.Zanele turned to leave, but as she did, she heard the sound of footsteps behind her. She spun around, her gun still in her hand.Two security guards were approaching her, their own guns drawn. “Put the weapon down,” one of them said, his voice booming.Zanele’s mind went blank. She didn’t know what to do. She had never thought she would get caught, had never thought this far ahead. All she could see was the end of the barrel of her gun.

Then, she heard a voice in her head, her mother’s voice.After the guards had taken her into custody, Zanele was taken to the police station and booked. She was charged with armed robbery and was told that she would be facing serious prison time. She knew that her life as she knew it was over.As she sat in the interrogation room, she thought about her children. What would happen to them now? Who would take care of them? She felt like she had failed them, had failed to protect them from the very thing she had been so afraid of.Then, she heard the door open. A familiar face walked into the room.It was doctor Mahlangu from the hospital, the one who had given her the name of the clinic where she could get her children the treatment they needed. He was holding a folder, and he set it down on the table in front of her.”I want you to know that I’m doing everything I can to get your children the treatment they need,” he said, his voice gentle. “But I also need to know what happened. Why did you do this?”Zanele was silent for a moment, collecting her thoughts. Then, she started to tell him the whole story. Zanele’ss voice trembled as she spoke, tears running down her face. She told the doctor about her children’s diagnosis, about the fear she had felt when she realized they might not make it. She told him about the desperation she had felt when she realized she didn’t have the money for their treatment. She told him about the decision she had made, about how she had convinced herself it was the only way to save them.When she was finished, the doctor sat back in his chair. He looked at her with compassion in his eyes. “I understand,” he said.

While doctor Mahlangu was talking to Zanele, Zanele’s minds were far away only she could think of was her two children Sipho and Siphokazi and that she felt like she disappointed them and she’ll be facing a long difficult prison time, Zanele got distracted by the doctor, doctor please kiss my children for me,” she said. While the doctor was listening to Zanele’s heartbreaking words his rang,” hello doctor Mahlangu , he had a familiar voice it was his assistant John,” we need you back to the hospital we’re having trouble with Sipho,” the assistant said with a trembling voice. The doctor rushed back to the hospital and left Zanele with lot of stresses and battling anxiety. When doctor arrived at the hospital Sipho was admitted to ICU unfortunately the doctors wouldn’t help Sipho on time and the doctor was only thinking about Zanele and how she’ll be depressed also how he was going to tell Zanele that One of her children passed away. Zanele was taken to the Interrogation room and saw familiar faces it was Zanele’s Mom and her daughter Siphokazi, Siphokazi seemed to be okay,” she was happy to see her daughter and hugged her tight but afterwards she asked a question,” mom where’s my son,?,” Asking with an exciting voice,” Siphokazi where’ss your brother Sipho ,” Siphokazi couldn’t answer her mother’s question and tears down her face,” Siphokazi what’s wrong?,” She asked , at that moment Zanele’s mom didn’t know how to say it out ,” then Zanele’s mom phone rang,” hello are there already?,”it was the doctor’s voice,” yes here she is,” said Zanele’s Mom giving her the phone, Zanele listened to the doctor with her eyes widened,” Zanele got distracted the visiting hours were over, Zanele cried all night thinking it’s all her fault she’s placing the blame to herself