“So you and Suna are friends now?” Jihoon asks.
“Yeah” I say with a light chuckle as I see the surprise in his face
“So I can finally unblock my only friend other than you?” he says sarcastically.
“Ugh of course you can” I say as I give him a kiss before getting of the couch to take a shower.
****after my shower****
“You don’t have to put in make up Amiee you look so beautiful with or without it” he says as he lays in my bed.
“It’s not really make up” I say as brush my hair after removing my make up.
“Well I’m going to sleep here tonight ” he says getting into my bed.
“Wow really Mr Kim sleeping at my apartment for the first time” I say as I fake gasp.
“I love you too” he says as he grabs my waist and pulls me into the bed.
“I know” I say as I let out a little giggle before putting off the light.
****the day of the Christmas party****
Suna and I are getting ready together for the party. I honestly can’t believe we hated each other a few weeks ago. I’m so happy I could spend these past few weeks with you guys by my side.
“You girls ready yet?” My aunt says kicking me out of my thoughts.
“Almost” Suna replies with a smile.
“Well Jihoon is here waiting for you” aunt says before shutting the bedroom door.
“Thanks for coming along you didn’t have to if you didn’t want to but you did” I say with a smile.
“It’s gonna be great and plus I have a date” she says with a tiny squeal.
****At the party****
we got out of the car and to my surprise the holiday party is at the art gallery. The gallery was filled with people old and young. Everyone was socialising and drinking. Suna and I waited near the door for her date while Jihoon spoke to some work colleagues.
“Maybe he’s not coming” she says with a hint of disappointment in her voice.
“Or maybe something happened” I say trying to comfort her.
“Yeah maybe but he could’ve at least called you know” she says resting her head against a wall.
Before I could reply a voice called Suna from behind us.
“Suna hey” the guy waves his hand.
“Chan” she says running to him.
“Chan?” I say as I turn around.
And to my disbelief I see Suna and my first love sharing a kiss. And just as I try to look away our eyes meet in perfect harmony.