The next I go back to the gallery to try and clear my mind. As I arrive I notice Jihoons car in front of the gallery. I still walk inside and I see him with her. I try my best to avoid them but I notice Jihoon walking over to me.

“babe?” I hear him call from behind me.

“Jihoon why?” I say as I turn myself to face him.

“why what?” He says obviously playing dumb

“why are you here with her?” I shout drawing attention to us.

“I saw her here and I decided to talk to her about yesterday and she agreed to leave us alone” he says calmly.

“so you’re over with her?” I say with one hand on my hip.

“Yeah I’m over with her” he with a small smile.

“Delete her number and block her then” I say with a serious face.

“I wouldn’t wanna be rude Amiee” he says with a little frown.

“Then you’re not over with her Jihoon. Call me when you’re really over with her” I say before I walk out of the gallery.

****later that day****

Lie in my cold bed. I’m all alone with my thoughts. What if he’s with her? What if he never calls me? What if he never gets over her? I let out a deep sigh and in that moment my aunt opens my bedroom door.

“Get up you have a visitor” she says before walking back to the living room.

I get up and tie up my hair and of course when I walk over to the living room Jihoon was sitting on the couch having a conversation with my aunt.

“Jihoon what are you doing he-” he cuts me off before I could finish my sentence.

“I did it Amiee I delete and block her number.” He says as he takes my hand.

“I’m glad that’s over I couldn’t stay angry at you” I say with a light smile.

“now you two go out I need my alone time” my aunt says as she gives us our jackets and my bag.

“Fine just give me a few minutes” I say.

****an hour later****

As the car stops all I see is the white snow meaning its almost the Christmas holidays. We get out of the car and walk over to the park. The city looks so beautiful and peace at night. I rest my head on his shoulder as we sit down on a bench.

“Amiee how would you like to come with me to a holiday party?” He says as he rests his head on mine.

“I’d love to but when?” I ask as if I have any other plans.

“A few weeks from now” he says.

“That’s perfect it’s a date then” I smile at him as he returns it with a grin.