“Amiee are you finally going out today?” My aunt asks.

“Out? To where? I barely know anyone here” I say looking out of the window of the apartment my aunt and I share.

My aunt sighs before grabbing her bag and leaving for work.

“I’m leaving now Amiee and go out you’re 18 not 81 go live your life.” she says as she shuts the door.

I let out a groan before throwing myself on my bed. It’s been 2 months since I’ve moved to Seoul and I’ve been in this apartment most of the time apart from the time I had to go shopping with my aunt.

“Maybe she’s right maybe I should try and go out” I say to myself looking into the mirror.

I check my contact list for anyone that might be in Seoul. I scroll through all the numbers and with my luck all of them are mostly people I knew from school back in China suddenly I notice a number of one of the people I met when I was visiting Seoul with my family.

“Jihoon Kim” I read his name out loud as I remember how I used to have the biggest crush on him when we visited last holidays.

I dial his number and my stomach starts turning nervously.

“You have reached Jihoon Kim’s voicemail leave a message”

I stare at my phone in disbelief. Fine I’ll put on my big girl panties and go out there by myself. He probably doesn’t even remember me anyway. I throw my phone on my bed before getting in the shower.

***1 hour later***

I’m now walking on the side walk of the busiest areas in Seoul across the road I notice an art gallery. I make my way to the gallery and its huge inside and I mean HUGE. I try to look at the paintings but a group of girls are standing in my way.

“Excuse me could I please just get past you?” I say to one of the girls.

“Is this bitch talking to me?” She asks one of her friends. SHE DID NOT JUST CALL ME THAT.

“I wouldn’t have to talk to you if your flat ass was blocking the way” I say pushing her out of the way.

Wow first day out of the apartment and I’m already making enemies. I walk over to the other side of the room where it’s emptier and I notice a guy standing in the corner on his phone. I can’t lie he’s pretty handsome and tall and his hair is just perfectly layered.