( Nonka is in her 2 roomed shack preparing for school)

Nonka: if you love me just tell me

Cause I don’t wanna be ( Nonka singing)

Mbail: someone is in a good mood ( taking some money from her bag and hands it to Nonka)

Nonka: For? ( turning from the mirror to face her mom)

Mbail: bread and some chicken feet for dinner okay take care ( she leaves)

( Nonka is now in school she is standing with her boyfriend Tsepho under the school’s tree)

Tsepho: babe

Nonka: what Tsepho?

Tsepho: can you visit me this afternoon?

Nonka: but-

Tsepho: no no babe you know I hate buts but don’t worry you will be safe I will fetch you and Drop you home on time oky?

Nonka: oky

Tsepho: got to go uAyanda uyangibeza

(Tsepho plants a deep warm kiss in Nonka’s lips and runs off)

( After school nonka is walking with her friend zozi)

Zozi: friend you don’t look okay what is wrong?

Nonka: uTsepho chomie

Zozi: what is wrong ngoTsepho

Nonka: he wants to take who relationship to another level

Zozi: like?

Nonka: he wants me to visit him