I brought my laptop and some snacks.” Mbongeni says as I lead him to my bedroom. “Thats nice of you.” I place the pillows on the floor and sat down followed by Mbongeni. “How have you been.”

“Good.” I say fiddling with my fingers, what kind of movie are we watching?”

“Tall girl.” He says not poking more as he switched on his laptop.

I don’t know how many movies we have watched and how much I have laughed through some of the comedy movies that we had been watching. Turns out my mother was right, I did need a little bit of company from someone closer to my age, all the snacks he had brought were long gone, we ended up ordering some pizza and me making some bunch of popcorns.

When the credits of John wick 4 rolled Mbongeni closed the laptop and looked at me “I missed talking to you.”

“Me too but,” I shrug my shoulders “I didn’t want anyone to feel sorry for me.”

“I would never,”

“I know” I say cutting him short “Now I know.”

He holds my hand “I like you Zandi.”

“You do?”

He nods and smiles “I was scared to tell you and after not speaking to you for this long I told myself that I am done waiting.”

He shifts closer to me and caress my cheek “I really really like you.”

My eyes close when his soft fingers touch my skin, I look at him after a couple of seconds “I like you too.”

He waits a second or two before he kisses me, the kiss starts slow and soon it builds up. When his hands start to remove my sweater, I pull back.

“You don’t have to shy away from me.”

I slowly relax and allow him to lift up sweater, he takes it all in and there is no disgust or pity in his eyes, “You are beautiful.” He says pulling me closer to him and kisses me again “You never have to hide your scars from me, okay?”

I nod as I place my head on his chest.

Instead of having sex we ended up lying on the bed, with me wrapped up in his arms with my sweater still on the floor.