“Powers? You mean like, your prophetic powers?” He asked, sounding a bit skeptical.

“There’s a bit more to my powers than prophesying over people.” I told him, with a smirk, “Do you remember the big explosion in the sky, that happened a few months ago?”

“Yeah, it was on the news. Everyone said was an asteroid headed straight for our planet, but it just blew up before it could make an impact. What’s that got to do with your prophetic abilities?”.

I took off my shirt, exposing my bare chest to him. At the center gleamed a purple crystal. I point at the crystal. “While the explosion happened, chunks of whatever it was fell into the earth, getting scattered around, including this crystal. It gave me these abilities”.

Simon nodded a bit, then preceded to ask “Okay, but why did you embed it into your chest?”

“I didn’t” I replied, as if it were a normal thing. Simon seemed confused.

“Anyway, I’m going to put you to sleep, so that the dream process starts., I explained further. “Then, I’ll observe your dreams. Both of us will be asleep during this time. Then, as soon as the creature comes, I’ll slay it. Simple enough, right?”

Simon gulped, “I’m not gonna die from this, right?”.

“Worst case scenario: we both die in our sleep”. His face started to turn pale as I said this. “Don’t worry, I’ve done this before. Trust me”, I assured him.

Simon gave a simple nod.

I breathed in deeply, and stretched my left hand, placing it on his forehead and focusing all of my will into his mind. I concentrated hard on putting him to sleep.

We both stared at each other’s eyes. His eyes began to glow in a purple hue. He made a gurgle-like sound, and fell into a deep sleep. As soon as I let go of his forehead, my body started feeling numb. I could feel my body becoming as heavy as stone. My vision faded, as I dropped to the floor with a thud.


We found ourselves standing on fresh grass. The sky was illuminated with thousands of stars. We were in the tidiest backyard of a house.

“I’ve never been to this place in my dreams,” said Simon.

“I think this is my dream”, I said, pointing up. An explosion occurred in the sky. Colored sparks and shards hung in the sky.

Simon was awestruck. “This is how Hou you got your powers?”.

“Pretty much”, I replied. “You should probably move out of the way”.


As soon as he asked, a shard from the explosion zoomed right toward me and struck me with such force that I flew in the air for a moment before crashing to a wall. I fell and hit my head on a rock.

Simon winced as he witnessed my dream. “Are you okay?”

I grunted as I got up, “That did not feel good”. My focus then wandered over to something else right by where the shard knocked me over. I pointed it out to Simon.

“A door?”

“A door to your dreams” I explained. I could tell he was confused, so I explained further, “Dreams don’t have any logic. In here, anything that you deem impossible in the real world can be done. You could even fly.” As I said this, I began floating above the ground, smiling. I was kinda showing off to him. His awe at this, told me that he was thoroughly impressed.

“Come on,” I said, grabbing him by the wrist and floating to the door “we have to get into your dreamverse and stop that monster that’s been tormenting you”. I turned the doorknob and opened the door to Simon’s dream, which immediately sucked us in.