During break,it was like we had a silent agreement to meet at the library.

I sat at the head of the table. The windows were opened so it was not as dark and it had been the last time I was here and they had tried their best to clear the room so it could be somewhat neat.

Blue Ivy and Jennifer sat with their laptops in front of them, clicking away,why James had a pile of papers he was going through.

He refused to look at me even just once and hadn’t said a thing since we got here

“What’s this?” Blue Ivy said, squinting at her screen.

“What is it?” My ears perked up.

” A few days ago, according to the CCTV,a man was brought to the Anderson house but never came back.”

“There is no camera showing him leaving,I’m scanning his face to identify him.”

“Michael Julies.” Jennifer said. “He…” She paused them looked up.

“What?” I questioned. I couldn’t handle anymore surprises.

“He was a shareholder in your dad’s company.”


“She looked at me I surprise.” It’s all over the news. He’s been reported missing.”

We all shared a look. I couldn’t believe this was happening.

A million thoughts raced in my head and I couldn’t process it

Suddenly it came to me.

“Listen up.” They all stood at attention.” I have a plan.”




“Bloody Peterson!” I gritted, banging my fists on the table. That bittch seemed to have it in for me. She was like am annoying fly in my ear,like a tail constantly on my trail.

I looked at the two fucking idiots in front of me. Just when everything was going so fucking perfect they just had to come and ruin everything.

I almost had her for fucks sake. I was so sure I had scared her into a trembling mess.

I could already smell the money coming my way.

I took out the gun I had on my waist. I checked for bullets. Someone was dying today.

“Didn’t I tell you to get rid of the body?”

“You…you did boss.” Dongo said, trembling.

“Then what the hell is this? Who fucking buries a body in their own property?”

The two idiots looked at each other then gulped.

“We had no ideas it was yours. W-we had no idea boss. We thought it was just a piece of land. We only found out when one of the guys mentioned you had a farm there…”

I closed my eyes, trying to calm myself the fuck down.

“The gun?”

“The gun? It’s..boss,I can explain.”

“Where is it goddamn it?”

“I…I put it in the drawer under the kitchen sinks. I was going to take it back. I swear boss. I fucking swear.”

I pointed the gun at the blubbering fool. I could feel the veins throbbing on my forehead.

Before I could even pull the trigger,my phone rang.

“What the heck do you want?!” I shouted.

“Mr Anderson.” I could hear from the voice that it was Dorothy. She sounded frightened and I couldn’t blame her.

“Sir. A woman called Detective Peterson is here. She says she has a warrant. She..”

Before she could finish I threw the phone across the room on the wall across from me and watched it shatter to pieces.

Before I could think about it,I pulled the trigger on the blabbing fool. It went right in the middle of his forehead and blood splattered on my face and shirt before the he fell dead on the floor.

I looked at Skalo. Silence was golden,and he was wise enough to stay quiet or he’d be in the spirit world with his friend and for the first time,his eyes were wide and and his body shook.

“Now take care of that body. If you mess it up…I’ll be taking care of you.”

I exited the room and went straight to my bedroom.

I went into the bathroom and stared at myself in the mirror. Blood was all over my face and clothes. I quickly splashed water on my face and wiped it with a cloth,changed into a red t-shirt and went downstairs.

I could already hear the commotion that was happening downstairs.I could see the forensics searching and turning my house up side down like they’d done multiple times before. All that effort only to find nothing. Except this time.

Peterson was already waiting for me with her arms crossed and her glaring eyes aimed at me.

I smiled.” Peterson,to what do I owe this pleasure?”

She smiled.”Plenty.” She said then went back to overseeing the harsh takeover.

One of the forensic guys approached her and I watched as they exchanged a few words before he left.

“We’re done with the living room. Divide into groups,one in the kitchen,the garage then splatter upstairs.”

For the first time,my heart raced. The sink. The bloody sink!

Question:should Dongo have been killed over just one mistake?

What do you think of Detective Peterson?