Chapter 5
(The next day at Slazzy hotel)
Khethiwe: (handing the the customer a drink) Thank you so much enjoy (sees Bosman)
Bosman: (Walks towards her) Hi beautiful lady
Khethiwe:(clears her throat) how can i help you sir or ..should i ask someone to help you
Bosman: no…no dear please stop this i want to talk to you
Khethiwe: i dont want to talk to you Bosman please leave me alone okay(shouts)(people started looking)
*Gugu walked in*
Gugu: hayibho! What is going on here Khethiwe what wrong
Khethiwe: nothing is wrong Miss Gugu am just fed up on this man Nxa…(walks away)
Gugu: hayibho! Khethi yoh! What wrong with her
Bosman: i want to talk to you now Gugu(walks through Gugu’s office)
**************************at Gugu’s office*
Gugu: so tell me BMan what wrong
Bosman: you know Gugu i told you that you should talk to this girl
Gugu: so sorry BMan i was going to talk to her
Bosman: but i trusted you , you know yesturday i asked her to come with me for a spa and i tried to kiss her
Gugu: what you did what you shouldn’t have done that
Bosman: i dont know i was just taken away by her beauty
Gugu: okay i understand i will try talk to her i will try and fix this okay
*************************** at Slazzy hotel staff room*
Khethiwe: uhm…chomi how are you
Tsholofelo: mhm…am good okay so now you want to talk to me
Khethiwe: hawu! Chomi am…(takes her seat) it just that chomi i didn’t listen to you that….(Gugu walked in )
Gugu: uhm.. Khethiwe can i please see you real quickly
Khethiwe:oh okay SisGugu
Gugu: come
(At Gugu’s hotel)
Gugu: so Khethi girl would you like something to drink
Khethiwe: no thank you Miss Gugu you called me here
Gugu: yes i did ,this is it about Bosman
Khethiwe: okay what about him
Gugu: so tell me Khethi what are you doing Man the guy loves you so please give him a small chance
Khethiwe: why?
Gugu: please Khethiwe please okay i will give you a small bonus nyana just for
Khethiwe: oh…are you bribing me listen here am not that see now i dont want your money and am so sorry Madam Gugu i hope you done
Gugu: oh uh…Kheti eish yha am done
Khethiwe: okay can i go back to work
Gugu: yep you can
Khethiwe: thank you darling(stood up and walk out)
**************************at Slazzy hotel *
Tsholofelo:on a phone call ) am telling you friend it is hectic i….am.
(Bosman approachs ) okay friend i have to go now okay byee
Bosman: hi lady can you get me a whiskey Double Tot
Tsholofelo: okay please give me a second
Bosman: uhm…just a mintue uh….can you please call Khethiwe for me please
Tsholofelo: why?
Bosman: uhm..i want to talk to her
Tsholofelo: okay give me a minute
Bosman: okay
(At the staffroom)
Tsholofelo: khethi Your boyfriend is calling you
Khethiwe: hayibho! which boyfriend?
Tsholofelo: just come(pulled her out the staff room)
(They head to the bar area where Bosman was sitting )
Tsholofelo: so Bosman here is your girl
Khethiwe: why am i here i dont want to talk to him can i go now
Bosman: no so fast Khethiwe please give me a moment
Tsholofelo: please give him a chance please friend
Khethiwe:(sighs) okay i give 5 minute and am gone
Tsholofelo: okay than let me go see you good luck
Bosman: okay Tsholo a mintue please (opens his wallet and hands R200 to Tsholo)your tip
Tsholofelo:oh okay thanks
Bosman: so Kheti what your problem now
Khethiwe: uhm…it just that i dont like what you did the other time so yep! That why?
Bosman: okay than how about i take you out but i can make it up to you
Khethiwe: okay no problem later than(walkes away)
*********************** Bosman:so tell me where is the staff
Gugu: it is here you need it
Bosman: of course Gugu i need to give it to her
Gugu: really okay and i heard that she is now talking to you
Bosman: who am i
Gugu:THE Bman (giggles)and dont worry Will organise a special room for you’ll
Bosman: that my girl
(Later that day)
*at the hotel room*
Bosman: so should i get you some champange
Khethiwe: yes please
Bosman: okay(*stood up approached the table and pours champange in ths glass an puts a pill in her glass and sends it to her*)here we go
Khethiwe: thanks Bosman so (sips her champange) are you married
Bosman: i was married i got divorced
Khethiwe: oh okay(sips again)