The next day I coan’t get up I’m still in the same bloody clothes. I couldn’t sleep the previous night all I could think about was papas dead body laying on the floor of the train station and it was all grandpa’s fault. Suddenly I hear a familiar knock on the door.
“Please just leave me alone mama,” I manage to say.
“María I’m so sorry,” all I can hear is sorrow in her voice.
“It’s not your fault you didn’t kill him,” I say as tears start pouring out.
“Oh María I wish this never happened,” she says as I take her into my arms.
“Shh mama I know it’s okay,” I say my cheeks are wet from the tears.
*A week later*
Today is papas funeral. I still can’t believe he’s gone. And grandpa was sentenced 15 years without parole.
I know he’ll never make it 15 years in jail he’s 72. What 72 year old will be able to spend 15 years in jail?
“María are you ready?” Carlos says walking out of the bathroom
“Yes of course,” I say with a weak smile.
“You sure?” he asks.
“No of course not,” I say as I cry on his shoulder.
“Its okay I’ll be here if you need anything,” he says wiping my tears away.
I smile for the first time in a week. A real smile not a fake one where I have to hide everything.