“Ayden there’s this cool place we should visit it’s a camp,” Carlos says. At this point I’m third wheeling these two.

“We should go there this holiday,” Ayden says looking through a magazine.

“Sí it’ll be fun but we’ll have to ask María’s mama since my mama travelled to America,” Carlos says. Then they both look at me.

“María will you ask?” Ayden asks.

“Boys I’m too busy for your nonsense and anyway you’ll just get in trouble there as well,” I say as I walk to the bathroom.

I think it’s time to get you guys up to speed. It’s been a year now since our last “adventure”. And last week I  turned 15. It was horrible. Horrible I tell you! Mama and the other women set up with most beautiful party ever but Carlos found a way to ruin it. And the worst thing is that I fell into a cake in front of 150 people! Oh it was so embarassing! But afterwards Carlos apologized and we went back to normal. But let’s just say Carlos and Ayden have been hanging out quite a lot it’s actually scaring me. And now they want me to ask mama to let them go to camp. When I walked out of the bathroom mama was in Carlos and my room.

“Oh here she is now,” Ayden says looking at me.

“Sí aunt Rosa she wanted to ask you something,” Carlos adds.

“No I didn’t,” I say.

“Yes you did María,” Carlos says. After about five minutes of going back and forth I give in.

“Argh fine mama can we going to this camp this Saturday?” I ask showing mama the magazine.

“That looks fun so why not,” she says as she walks back to the kitchen.

“I hate you two,” I say as they jump up and down on the floor.