Senzo had a lecture at 13h00 that’s why he left in a hurry coz time were against him as he were supposed to take a taxi although Mayville and botanic garden is differentiated by 10 minutes if you are in a taxi and 30 to 45 minutes walk depending on your phase
Later that day Senzo dropped out by a taxi and remember that today is Thursday is a phuza Thursday as they used to call with his friend Vusi before he became a student, they both were a hustlers for 3 years since Senzo completed his matric at kwamaphumulo and moved to Mayville and become a friend of Vusi
He took out a phone call Vusi “my dawg meet me at tavern in ten minutes” he dropped the phone,
In this area there is a popular tavern called qedukoma tavern they used to chill there getting wasted whole weekends, Vusi and Senzo that’s only thing that make them friends is CASTLE LAGER otherwise none
Vusi were at tavern but he said ok ro his friend, saw Senzo coming closer said “dawg how’s your boring theory man?”
” man what can I say, the life just happen then how’s your happy life” senzo handed Vusi R100 and take a seat
” Before beers i do have to tell you something dawg and please don’t turn me down please” Vusi said with hands in his chest
Senzo didn’t even notice that Vusi were serious instead he said ” give me that money I’m thirsty then please keep your shit to your self”
Vusi went straight to the count shaking his head coz he saw that senzo is about leave bought 4 quarts and came “why mos is this theory stealing my friend huh?” Vusi litely with concern in his face
” Nah man i just being me, jto today were hactic from councillor to sgele and my is horrible so I need to be wasted today, i don’t need your guidance as always you does please dawg coz is too much in my plate already, trust me my life is a disaster dawg wow man you are about to be a father again lol you are a real coach neh” senzo with a beer in his hand
Vusi just smile coz he knows his friend that he doesn’t zip his mouth, he is a story teller but when it’s come to women just any opposite ” sip and pass then tell me when are you going to be father or you still with thar Financial excuses”
” Dawg i think 3 children will be okay and i think I’m too broke to have a wife, look at my broke ass dawg let me play this song” he stood up went for a jukebox to play a nick minaj _ I’m a leader
Vusi just shake his head coz he likes this thing of rap music, but he felt in love with maskandi ” how come a guy from kwamaphumulo love this shit you some kind of a freak man”
” Don’t judge me coz today is my day before coz next week i must keep myself to myself, exam is closer and I’m like wow my five modules in 8 days and my noise neighbour with his màskandi, ” he shake his head and turn to Vusi ” man stop pretending what’s up? *” Senzo knows his friend if he Wana say something “man just chill and tell me or is one of your baby mother’s, with their drama again”
Vusi laugh” tell me your plan is to die alone with no kids man you are bitter”
Senzo glance his friend ” what can I say coz I’m broke i only afford beers that’s my life” laugh to himself and ask Vusi ” why you always bring that crap,coz you know i love toddlers and last week i bought your child a chips and stick sweet and……..”
Vusi interrupt him with a question” dawg when am I going to buy your child that stuff? coz you are not getting younger i know you” he took a money to his pocket aaid ” let me buy a cigarette and think about this man” he left his friend friend diffend less
Senzo just nod his head and went for a beers again tell his self” why children if you can’t afford them but this guy has point I’m getting older next year I’ll be 25 year’s old life sometimes”
Vusi return and offer his friend a cigarette as usual ” have some dawg today i wow that’s is your wife dawg”
” Hand back my change please and you know I’m not a mind reader, sangoma told me something last year and I was like this bitch is lying until i realise she’s telling me the of my life, dawg i never told you that i know my life is be difficult and I’m gonna drink a lot of this castle” senzo laugh to himself
Vusi thought his friend is drunk after 9 quarts ” dawg when you planning to sleep or you are about to borrow me some cash coz it’s better to go later like you know those bitche’s and I can’t handle them, they like Vusi please fuck me so please man”
Senzo just shok his head and said ” man is too early to think about a bed, tomorrow i have no varsity stuff and chill my no credit available except the fact that i wana be miserable and you why don’t you tell me about that wife of mine and I’m gonna let you be wet of this lager you know I’m not selfish” he were drunk “dawg i know you take me like crazy guy but trust me one day I’ll be your and you with that mentality….”
” But that education of your ass and you will end up lonely man, why don’t you buy me a beer and stop with that motivation shit, life will suprise you man, maybe you will be my financial advisor and tell you to jump and you ask me how high am I going to jump coz I’m a entrepreneur not this theory boring shire” Vusi always discourage Senzo about books and staff you guys with a politics in mind
” Tell me about that bitch you mentioned earlier but go and buy atleast 5 quarts man” Senzo gave him R100 ” your advice always sucks but I can leave with those advice, let alone your behaviour of being a womanizer and your broking aas”
Vusi took a money and said” I know you consider my view and soon you’ll be a father to someone and you will thank me later and you will be a man” he left Senzo speech less
They left the tavern later after 2h00 am and Vusi with no close siblings and those baby mother’s not around, Senzo with his elder brother’s who always control him and wanting his best coz he is a smart guy in his family with a matric and not just matric but a lot of B’s in his matric and that school he is from at kwamaphumulo he broke the record
Senzo said ” dawg i can use your spare room coz they like judging my ass there you know man”
” Deal on tomorrow you are about to be a man with my sister in deed” Vusi respond drunkly
They went straight to the Vusi’s place, Vusi own the RDP HOUSE that his mother left him with, rest in peace mama, they didn’t discuss anything they were like Dawg who is drunk better us here, we run Mayville