The day I was supposed to die arrived.

But I woke up with a massage; two childish hands were massaging my right hand on the edge of the bed. I was yet to get rid of blur in my eyes as I was turning my head to see the person responsible. After five rapid blinks, the blur disappeared, and that person was not my mother. She was the same beautiful Latino I saw the previous day.

She immediately let go of my hand after her clean blue eyes caught up with my eyes, and she froze, as if I had pointed a gun at her face after she attempted to rob me.

“Hi, there,” she soothed, and failing to sustain eye contact.

“Hi,” I mumbled, clearing my throat.

Her hand jetted up and rubbed her curly ponytail; honey brown like the V-neck dress on her body. Her thin pink lips hid inside her mouth, and then she stood up from the arm chair.

“Let me tell the nurse you’re awake,” she said, walking away.

“Hey, Fiona,” I said a name I was familiar with.

She stalled on the doorway and turned around. I noticed her hands were fused together and her gaze focused on the floor.

“How do you know my name?” almost a whisper from her.

“Is it a crime to know your name?” I asked.

“No, it is fine,” she replied fast paced.

I judged her to be more nervous than poor me who was expected to die that day. I tried to calm her with a grin. “I’m Elijah who doesn’t bite women,” I said in a softer bass tone.

“I’m—the name you mentioned,” she stuttered. “Let me go call the nurse for you.” She appeared to be escaping from me.

Bettie came in a flash with a silver tray. Scrambled eggs, four slices of bread and hot coffee were usual except the Kit-Kat chocolates. I wondered why chocolates, but I loved it.

“So, you decided to spoil me with chocolates today?” I asked.

“It’s from Fiona,” responded Bettie, checking my pulse oximeter.

Dr. McCain walked in. The wide smile on his face suggested good news. “You need to sign this before eating your breakfast,” he said, and his smile turned into a grin.