Every morning when the sun rises you could hear a broom and looking at the soil you could see a pattern – lines like waves drawn by the sweeping, and there she is with her doek tied out neatly with a knot Infront above her forehead, she also had her animal printed dressed that she cover with a towel wrapped neatly around her figure.
As she was busy outside the yard sweeping,the brown porridge was boiling on the stove and you could hear the aroma of the flora butter inside it. Deliwe always believed that starting your day with a warm breakfast was a mood lifter for everyone so that’s why she never let her family go without having proper breakfast.The grandchildren never called her grandma because the they adopted the name “mamkhulu” from the rest of the family members, owh yes she is the first but she was not the crying fish as people believe that first Borns are to fragile and they cry fast.
Years went by and as god always knows the time for us on earth,it was one of the time where god decided to take one important member of the family from Deliwes family. It was Deliwes mother… hearing the news over the phone that her was no longer there was hard not on Deliwe only but also to her father,siblings, grandchildren and great grandchildren.
Just when they thought life has moved on the following year her father passed away and when she heard the news the only thing she said was that “again am going to sit on the mattress”. Like any other houses when both parents passed away, family members tend to fight but not with this family they really stay together and thanks to their late father who always told them to go and build their houses so that when they die the family house may always stay as it is.