Pryannah looked dictating. “Tell me you’re done with your lyrics.”
I got a bit annoyed. “If I’m not, then what?” I asked.
“I won’t give you the surprise I got for you.” She played with my mind.
“My lyrics are ready, what about your surprise?”
Before she could reveal the surprise, Thugo popped up in front of our classroom at the speed of light. He scratched his beer belly and yelled, “Quiet guys! You should be ashamed of yourselves. You’re the only brats making noise!”
Silence kicked in. Everyone turned to Thugo. We nicknamed him BIG SHOW. Yes, he was a look-alike of that John Cena rival.
“Shoni! Leave Suzie alone, don’t disturb her future,” Thugo shouted, “Do you always sit there!?”
“Nah sir, I sit at the back,” he replied, rubbing his hairly chin. “I was only looking to borrow a nail cutter from her,” Shoni lied, excusing himself to his seat at the back.
“Hahahahah!” Almost everyone laughed at Shoni. For us boys, it was a smash hit. We were fed up of him forcing Suzie to love him.
Then Thugo advised us, “Guys, let me be honest with you, boy-girl links are prohibited here. Ask those that have been here since form 1, we expel students because of it. Never mind their good grades. I urge you to stick to your books.”
Silence kicked in again. Thugo moved his chubby figure out and everyone studied quietly.
Siren sounded, end of study time at 20:30…
I surrendered some lyrics to Pryannah. I thought I needed something to eat after the study time and maybe her surprise could be a snack after all. She quickly unfolded the paper.
The lyrics read:
“My name’s Nick, I’m the boss of Swazis/So far I’m called swazi but I boss the swaggie/Girls wanna kiss, I ain’t of course Mswati/ I ain’t moving for Vits ’cause I chose Volkswagen/Vrum-vrum! I choke Volkswagen/They say I piss but their voice is whacky/”
She gave me the surprise happily. It was a chocolate nougat. She scooped up the paper and jammed it in her violet superDry Montana.
Pryannah looked at me with excitement. “Wow! Nick. Your lyrics are lit than I imagined,” she said, supporting her chin with palm. Her elbow on my desk.
“Do you write anything about love?”
“I do… sometimes.”
“You got it now?”
“Um… at the hostel,” I said, leaning back in my chair.
“Please bring it tomorrow. I promise you more chocolate,” she flattered me, giving me a cheerful smile.
“Alright, I’ll.”
“Yesss! I’m Volkswagen, vrum-vrum, now I’m going hee-hee. Sweet night Nick,” she said, leaving and forgetting her glasses on my desk.
“Goodnight,” I mumbled, watching her hips twist and turn in gold lines sweatpants.
I was hyped with the chocolate but somehow I wasn’t sure with myself. I felt everything was going out of control. My mum’s promise was in danger of being broken and mixed feelings kept growing. It was R.I.P to 0×G.
Lambo approached me when I was packing my study books. He had been standing a few steps away from my desk, viewing my conversation with Pryannah.
“Uh huh, you’re the busiest boy on planet right now.” Lambo appeared to be very displeased with me.
“Stop saying that G.”
“What’s this, chocolate?” he asked, his eyes pointed at chocolate nougat on my desk.
“As you see it.”
“Yannah things huh. Man, she’s into you? Oh, that’s why she sat in front of your desk?”
“I don’t know man, I’m not chasing her.”
“Cool, but Suzie is stressed and not talking to me. What did you do to her?”
“I messed up G, I need a very nice sleep. I’ll explain why, let’s roll,” I said, carrying my heavy bag to step out.
In a tick, Lambo blocked me with his hand and muttered to my ear, “Don’t mess it up again. Suzie is all yours, Yannah is mine and I want her back. Cool?”
“Oh… Okay man, I get you.” I nodded in approval at his intimidating face.
It was the moment I got the picture that Lambo was Pryannah’s ex. And he looked business to me for the first time.
“It’s not an issue, I mean if I’m going to break my mum’s promise it will be because of Suzie okay? Lambo can get Pryannah, thus preserving my friendship with him. Sorted!” I tried to resolve in my mind.