Dlangamandla’s wife, Nomathemba sits alone at the kitchen, sipping red wine.

She watches as her 15 year old daughter walks in, carrying her schoolbag and her car keys in the other hand.

“Ma, you scared me.” The teenager, Mayibenathi laughs and gives her mother a hug.

Nomathemba hugs her daughter back. She feels like the years have gone past very fast, just yesterday, Mayibenathi was a toddler, taking her first step and teething, now she was slowly turning into a beautiful young woman.

Mayibenathi was light in complexion, with fierce dark eyes, just like her father Dlangamandla. She was a beautiful young lady, and she carried herself with pride.

“Afternoon, family.” Dlangamandla booms, as he walks in the kitchen. “Whats for dinner, wife?” He asks Nomathemba.

“Pap and beef stew.” Nomathemba looks up at her tall husband.

Dlangamandla is a beautiful man, with pure light skin, and fierce eyes, that his daughter inherited. A beard covers most of his face, and his head is neatly shaven. Nomathemba notices that, he has a bit of grey in his beard now. Her husband was ageing, but with grace. Of course, he was now 47. While she, was only 34.

She had married Dlangamandla at the fragile age of 18. She was immediately drawn to him, and her father thought he was the perfect match. Her mother though, she disapproved, claiming Nomathemba was still too young for marriage. In the end, Nomathemba had followed her heart, and her father’s advice.

“Are you spacing out again?” Dlangamandla snaps his fingers in her face.

She jumps. “What did you say?” She asks, in a low voice.

“Maybe you should take a nap.” Mayibenathi suggests, clearly looking worried.

“I agree. You look bad, baby. Have you been sleeping well?” Dlangamandla furrows his eyebrows, brushing his hand against his wife’s arm.

Nomathemba smiles lazily, “I’m fine.” She hesitates, looking to the door, by the passage

That’s another thing that bothers her, what is it that her husband is hiding in that room?!