So I started preaching on a Sunday, I remember I was preaching my first sermon , on Genesis 12 The call of Abraham. I invited my whole family to church and they came, so I preached that sermon, and they were saved , I prayed for my sister and she got healed. After church my hole family was saved , so when I went home,my cousin came back and she called me , people used to say we’re a couple but we weren’t, I was so happy to see her that spend the whole day with her.

While I was with my cousin at her house, I hear someone calling my name, I rush outside. It’s a lady next door, she called me and I went to her , she said to me please come and tell us if it’s true what your sister is telling us.

It was Sunday evening, the same day I preached , when I got there, my sister was preaching the same message to the drunkards in that place, they paid too much attention and they didn’t believe her as she described things just as I did, it’s like she recorded the whole message.

I confirmed that the things she said is true. And then they asked me more questions about the Bible and I preached to them, and they got saved. And they stopped selling alcohol, but this time they sold maize meal.

I realised that the gospel of Jesus Christ, changes’s the power of God into salvation even though others think we’re fools, speaking of things we don’t know. But I’m telling you today. Jesus is the saviour, no matter what sin you have committed in the past, big or small, wether you have blood on your hands or you have committed adultery or you have Killian innocent baby in abortion. God can still forgive you now. It’s not too late. Don’t live your life based on how you were in the past, that’s not you. I usually tell people, you are not what you did,or what people call you, you are what God says you are.

Don’t let your past define you, because that’s not how God sees you.

So after all of the troubles,I got my friend back, my happiness back, my life back. I preached and healed people. I lost a lot of my fake friends including those devil worshippers and their demons. I lost contact with them, even though we were on the same school, they seemed to have been invisible.

I used to preach in school, to other learners. I prayed for my life to turn around. And my family. And I remember praying to God sayin'” God please help me to pass this class so I can go to matric, and let me pass matric and after matric, let me get a job,I don’t want to finish matric and then sit here with my hard work certificate”.

So I passed grade 11, I still became a powerful preacher, I went to matric . Now I’m matric , I was sitting in the front table with this new girl in our school, every guy wanted her, but I didn’t care about girls, all I cared about was the gospel. They all came and confessed their love to me, I didn’t care ,all I was looking for was an opportunity to preach.

I was all about God now. No Dating..while they kept coming I kept asking God for a wonderful lovely lady for me to marry one day.

Now in school I had this little blue covered Bible, I read it while I was waiting for the teacher to show up for their period, so this lesbian comes to me, that devil worshipper, she sits next to me, she asks me ” Why is God against the LGBTQ community?”

The Holy spirit gave me an answer. And I said to her, “God hates them because it was not his will and His plan for people to be like that, all this is man man made and demonic”.

She looked at me with big eyes, and said” But what do you say about people who are women and still look like men, and men who look like women.”

I said” God had created only two genders a man and a woman, so regardless of what you look like, there’s only one part that separates a man from a woman and that’s a private part.

One day I went to the bush to collect woods, so my spirit kept telling me to go back but I refused. So after coming back from the bush, I just got home and the news reached me, my cousin whom I love so much, was admitted in the hospital because of some unknown disease. So I stood in the middle of my room praying for her, to come back.. and guess what she came back home and I was called later that evening, after she was discharged, her granny called me to go and fix the light bulb that fell from the holder but still didn’t break, so I went there it was in her room.

I looked at her , she wasn’t eating anything, not even drinking water the way she was sick, she couldn’t even walk , and my heart broke that time, I was in tears and I prayed for her , while fixing that bulb putting it back in the holder, and when I left the room, to go and say goodbye to her granny who was at the fireplace, she was shocked and when I turned around there she was, my cousin standing behind me. And they were shocked they said maybe she was sick because she didn’t see me but I knew it was Jesus.

And she left me. Just like that I continued reading my Bible. My New life with Jesus Christ. I remember another one we were supposed to go to the matric winter camp, away from the school. So I had this friend of mine that I also introduced to Christ. He was very sick, he couldn’t move or do anything. I heard about him while I was in the shop one evening, I went to buy candles,so I went to his house. I found his parents sad and his aunt applying some church water,on him so I got there and got her out of the room, they all have up hope. And told me he’s not going to the camp.

I had so much faith I said to them, let me pray for him and after I prayed he was not yet healed but I made them a promise, that this guy will wake up tomorrow morning healed and whole and he’ll go to camp with me. And God didn’t disappoint me.

I have seen so many miracles in my life, I later got a job around September at a private school, that I’m going to work there after passing matric. So I passed and worked there, without a CV or submitting any paper.

I traveled many places, preaching the gospel and seeing the hand of God.

Remember, there’s nothing impossible with God, if He did this for me, whatever it is you’re looking for, it’s in His hands, not ancestors,not Satan, not demons and not humans. Only God.