“You are the hot topic back at the station.” Samuels said as he took a bite if his donut. “I read you file that your teachers complied and I was impressed; how does it feel to have a photographic memory?”

Slindile shrugged “It came in handy in those exame.” She said with a laugh. It came in handy at times but mostly it was difficult cause all the bad memories never went away.

Looking at Samuels the most respected detective was like a dream come true, maybe someday he’ll be able to shed some light on the details that the police kept from her after her being here at the police station was to avenge her father.

“Why become a detective? There were a lot of things you could have been, especially counting that photographic memory of yours.” Samuels asked as if he was reading her mind. 
“Growing up I watched my dad put so many bad guys behind bars, the most evil ones too I loved how he was passionate about it but after his death I knew that I wanted to be a detective, to help those who need my help.” At least some of it was true but not all, she could not just tell him that she wants to help catch that bastard.

“I picked you to be my partner because I saw what a fast thinker you are, and how you can tell what had happened before without much of a thought.”

“You picked me?” Her mouth flew open, a top detective picked her to be his partner. He smiled “Of course I did, you remind me a whole lot of myself from when I was still your age, eager to learn, eager for justice and having focus. I know that you want to find the person who killed your father.”

“You know?” But how? She has never breath a word to anyone, it has been on her mind all along.

“Okay level with me here, your dad was shot dead while on duty and we have never caught that person. Your father’s case is a cold case, you are now old and want to find the person who killed your dad what do you do? You become a detective so that you can have the resources you want to find the killer, how am I doing?” He asked with a smile.

He had a point, of course a seasoned detective like him will be able to piece all of this easily, she nodded “I really love being a detective but I also want to find the person who did that.”

Samuels rested his hand on top of hers, and felt her blood rush, she pushed the feeling down not ready to focus on it as yet “I know, and maybe someday you will okay.”

She nodded, she appreciated the support that he has shown her.

“Okay now let’s go through this file once again, maybe there’s something we might have missed.”