The woman watched as the detectives walked in at the cafe; she could easily tell that they were detectives by how serious they with their no nonsense attitude. She took a sip of her coffee and smiled a little, It was so funny that she was here at the same place as them and they just have no idea. She watched as the lady detective looked at her for a brief second before calling a waiter, her heart was racing and hid her shaky arms and took a deep breath.

“A refill?” Asked a waiter holding a freshly potted coffee, she shook her head as she paid her bill.

She stood up and slowly walked wanting to see if someone will stop her but when no one ran to tackle her down and slam handcuffs on her or shouted stop she picked up her pace, resisting looking back, afraid that the detectives will see right through her innocent face.

Even though she is a full grown woman, she was thin and had the most non aging and shy face that people will easily pass her for a teenager. She walked out once she was outside she was able to breath and collect her thoughts but one thing she knew was that today she will strike yet again and this brought her whole face to break into a smile.