Slindile looked at the photo that was sent and everything clicked “This is her.” she loudly. “This the lady I saw earlier today, she looked like a teenager but here it says she’s in her 30s.”

“And who knows what she’s doing now.” answered Samuels as he sped soon they arrived at Midrand where Tony’s location pointed.

Samuels didn’t waste time with knocking he kicked the door open and found Tony holding a lady with a knife on her throat.

“Tony?” Samuels asked. Tony looked at them and said nothing.

“Please drop the knife slowly.”

“I will, after I finish what I came here for.”

“You will go to jail for a long time, do a right thing and spare that woman’s life.”

“No.” She said firmly holding the knife tighter on the womans throat making the knife to cut her a little.

Samuels looked at Slindile and she knew what he was thinking without having to say one word. Knowing that Tony won’t drop the knife he shot her on her shoulder making her to the drop the knife in the process.

Once her grip was loss around the woman’s neck she quickly went to cuff Tony. While taking her to the car Samuels read her, her rights.

“Are you okay?” Slindile asked the woman she learnt that her name was Bianca. She nodded as she wipe the blood on her neck “Just a small cut, nothing I can’t handle.”

There was no need for any interrogation, Tony confessed everything and the reason for the killings was because her mother used to shout at her for hours whenever she was mad, she started hating her mother and every other woman who shouted because to her they were all alike. She akso found about the fan, that she broke into Gina’s house and broke it and the uniform was stolen and she later disposed it. Tony was going to be in jail for a very long time she faced so many charges of murder, attempted murdering and home invasion.

“Job well done.” the Lieutenant said as she walked in, “Your father must be proud of you, soon enough you’ll be one of our best detective if you do like this.”

Slindile beamed with pride, she was proud of herself, even though she did not use much of her abilities but the fact that she had managed to catch a killer was amazing and she realised that this might be what she’ll do for a long time. She loved the thrill of everything, the rush that she had. She knew that she never wants to lose this feeling ever.