I open the box, there are love letters and pictures.
Pictures of me and Luck! How? How is this humanly possible?
My head feels dizzy and I climb out of bed, my mind refreshing and analyzing, a series of events happening. I see Luck in every memory passing through my mind.
I scream when my mind shows me a memory where Luck is on her knees proposing. I throw the box down and crumble to the floor.
Luck runs out the bathroom, a towel around her. She sees the box, opened. I’m on the floor, sobbing.
She kneels besides me.
“I can explain, Anne” She says.
She has a pet name for me. I like it. But I’m so mad I can’t face her! Am I the woman she was talking about?
“You lied to me, Luck!” I scream, sniffing.
“I only lied to get to you.” She exhales
“Get to me? Why?” I stand abruptly and run down the stairs to search for my clothes. I have to get out of here and now!
She follows me.
“Calm down, I can explain, Anne.” She says, again.
“Stop it! Who are you? Why? How could you do this to me?” I cry
“I’m sorry I had to do this. I tried reaching out. Your mom..she..” she crumbles on the couch.
“Keep my mom’s name out your lying mouth. I hate you!” I scream.
My words affect her, as she begins to sob quietly.
“Anne, please.” She shouts one more time as I exit the front door.