You’re a great dancer.” She says

“Please. That was slow dancing.” I laugh

She smiles, “Still” 

I blush and focus on my champagne. I grab a handful of salted peanuts on the bowl and throw them to my mouth. I’m hungry. We hadn’t ordered.

“Hungry?” She laughs

“Very.” I giggle

She stands up and wears her jacket.

“Aren’t we ordering?” She asks.

“I’d like to cook for you.” She says.

My head is buzzing with the champagne, I’ve had two glasses, and I’m hungry. Without thinking, I take her hand.

“How do I trust you?”

“I know you know this is right.” She says, we walk to the door.

We drive in her car, since I came over here with Douglas’s car, but he ditched me.

She plays music as we drive quietly to her place. She shuts the ignition off as we arrive in a gated estate. She opens the door for me and I accept her hand as she guides me into her home.

The door opens to a lavish house, with tall ceilings and beautiful glass stairs. The house is all grey and black. It looks much like a bachelor pad. It is spotlessly clean.

I look around for a hint that she may live with a woman, but I get none.

“What would you like to drink?” She asks me

“Water.” Lord knows I’ve had enough champagne.

“Good choice.” She walks away.