“Oh she is here this is her daughter that she wanted you to meet” said MaMdluli. Then my husband told them that we already know her, she is our daughter’s friend.

“Why is she thanking us for she knows she is welcome to come whenever she wants to to come” asked Ngcebebanzi. Tears streamed from Nozi’s eyes with no stop,she kept staring us till they stopped.

She looked at us with red eyes from crying and she cleared her throat then began to say “I don’t even know where to begin what to say, I allowed anger to take over me and the devil to use me……. to bad I won’t pay for my crimes”.

I felt touched by what she said, felt sorry for her; I thought to myself I am not the only one suffering there are also people out there who are suffering it just that they don’t tell. I went to comfort her then she said “I am sorry for everything I don’t know why did I do it” she said I kept on comforting her assuring her it will be okay she must not worry. “I am the one who said I saw Mshingila stealing car tires in Mirriam’s car and when they wanted to kill him I was one of those who encouraged Nkazimulo to do so.

*If I was you what you would have done?*