Episode 5: “The Urgent Departure”

Sarah: (urgently) Maya, get in the car. We need to go. Now.

Maya: (refusing) No, Mom. I’m not going anywhere until you tell me what’s going on.

Sarah: (hesitant) Maya, please. We don’t have time for this.

Maya: (firmly) I want the truth. What’s happening? Why are we leaving?

Sarah: (sighing) It’s something from the past, Maya. Something I thought was long buried.

Maya: (demanding) Tell me! What is it?

Sarah: (shaking her head) I can’t, Maya. We need to go. Now.

Maya: (crossing her arms) I’m not moving until you tell me.

Sarah: (glancing at her watch) Maya, we don’t have much time. It’s 8:35. We need to be gone before midnight.

Maya: (confused) What happens at midnight?

Sarah: (grimly) Just get in the car, Maya. Please.

Maya: (refusing) No! You’re not going to bully me into going somewhere without telling me what’s going on.

Sarah: (desperate) Maya, listen to me. We are in danger. We need to leave. Now.

Maya: (standing her ground) I’m not afraid. Tell me the truth.

(Sarah’s expression turns grim, and she reaches out to grab Maya’s arm)

Sarah: (firmly) Get in the car, Maya. We’re leaving. Now.

(Just as they were about to leave someone was at the door , May’s dead friend Emily)

If you were in this position what would you do ?

For fundza : Please allow me to publish this book unfinished , the rest is still to come🙏