Sarah : But what do you really know

Mick : I shall answer your question madam when the time is right , right now we need to wake up your daughter they are very strong right now, we need to get there before 12:00

Sarah : But right now it is 10 : 34 , and now she is unconscious

Mick : That can be fixed in this forest there is a tree known to have the power to heal any wound , but it is dangerous right now , I will go and get it

Sarah : No , no , you don’t need to risk your life I will go

Mick : Madam understand that there are dangerous animals here , I will go

Sarah : No sir , you’ve done enough now

Mick : No madam you don’t even know how it looks like

Sarah : just tell me where is that tree

Mick : fine , take a right from here , go straight down the trees that are long and then there should be two paths take a look left you should be able to see the big tree glowing that is it

Sarah : ( running straight to the path ) take care of my daughter

Mick : madam wait be careful of the monster that guides it , take this bracelet as your protection

But Sarah was long gone and did not here anything