Episode 6: “The Deadly Party”Emily: (pushing Maya and Sarah inside) Get in. Now. (She locks the door behind them)Emily: (menacingly) Sit down. Both of you. (The doorbell rings)Emily: (to Sarah) Get the door. Act normal. (Sarah hesitantly gets up and makes her way to the door)Sarah: (nervously) Who is it?Fatty : (from the other side of the door) Hey, Sarah! It’s us! We’re here for the party! (Sarah looks back at Emily, who is holding Maya hostage)Sarah: (trying to sound normal) Oh, hey! Come on in! (She opens the door to reveal three friends, who enter the house)Friend 1: (excitedly) Hey, Sarah! We’re so excited for the party!Friend 2: (holding a bottle of wine) We brought some drinks to get us started!Friend 3: (noticing Emily) Wait, who’s…?(She sees Emily’s face and her eyes widen in shock)Friend 3: (backing away) Oh my god, Emily! I thought you were…(Emily pulls out a knife and advances on the friends)Emily: (menacingly) You shouldn’t have come here. (The friends try to run, but Emily is too quick. She kills them one by one, as Sarah and Maya watch in horror)Sarah: (whispering to Maya) Now’s our chance. Let’s go!(Sarah and Maya make a run for the door, as Emily is distracted by the killings)Sarah: (grabbing Maya’s hand) Come on! We have to get out of here!(They manage to escape the house and get into their car)Sarah: (starting the engine) We have to get as far away from here as possible.(As they drive away, Emily disappear into thin air leaving the bodies cruellly killed leaving a the house on 🔥🔥🔥🔥 )