Eliza skipped college today. She sat on the couch depressed and then she heard a knock.. She opened it carry a pepper spray and it was Xola.

Xola: Hey friend..(notice the pepper spray)..whoa.

Eliza keep quiet and put the pepper spray away.

Xola: I’m sorry..I was scared..

Eliza: You could have called somebody but anyways I am living.

Xola: I’m sorry.

Eliza: I forgive you but don’t ever talk to me again.

Xola: But..

Eliza: No..(She close the door and drinks coffee to calm her down)..

On Saturday Eliza went to the mall to buy few groceries and was walking back home..

Then someone behind her called and asked if he could help her carry the groceries..

Eliza: No .I’m fine

The man’s face looked creepy

The man pushed her harshly;kicked her and Eliza hurt her herself but she stood up and took her pepper spray and sprayed it on his face. The man screamed in horror.. Eliza kicked him back more angrily..took her grocery bags and ran home..She came home panicking and took ice pack and put on her bleeding left arm and forehead. After one week she healed and continued going college to study..She then saw Xola sitting alone but didn’t say anything . After college she studied and watched TV ..She then took a nap but had a bad dream..She dream someone burglared in her flat and robbed her.. She woke up screaming.. She stood up and went outside to check.. She saw a girl getting beaten up by some boys.. She ran and gave them a spin kick; punched them and kicked them but one man grabbed her and pushed her.

Eliza: (screams and cries).Noooo

Eliza found the strength and ran with the girl to her flat.

Eliza: What happened?

Girl:(cries) I was coming back from work.. then all the sudden they wanted to kidnap me.

Eliza: I saw the van.

Girl: I admire you strong..You fought them hard.

Eliza kept quiet and made her coffee

Eliza: Never trust anyone out there; even your family.

Girl;:( Takes the coffee) Thanks..my name is Kaylah..

Eliza: Ok..you sleeping over or I should drive you home?

Kaylah: I’ll go home please..My mom must be worried .

After the coffee ; Eliza drove Kaylah home and came back to her flat..She couldn’t sleep having nightmares.. She skipped college most times and was mostly scared; depressed and angry.