As He said it before, that We perishes, because our lack of knowledge.(drama)

God in heaven: Next!, Next! Next!!!!!

Me: Here I am!

God: And then?? Whose’ heart is this??

Me: Mine”” Mr…., I mean Jesus God

God: Mmmmm…mmmm. Why is it like this, (imaratha so),It fills of bruises, cuts, stitches and yet still bleeds, Why????

Me: It’s mine, At first he was nice, and handled both mine and his with care’ i mean my almost husband. After the introductions in the family he changed. I persevered in the name of being in marriage and I guess love. I thought that’s what you wanted and meant by us being married. I also wanted to write the wrongs. For us to keep one of your commandments, to get married. Since we were in advance marriage, not married yet. To do corrections!!!

“Phela! it almost stops beating. That’s when, I decided to quite. But first, I fasted n pray, pray that you God forgive me! for taking myself out of what you have blessed “MARRIAGE”! Yeah’ from there life happened

God: No!!! U got this wrong, I mever said give your heart to someone else, as he has his own responsibility, which is his own heart. That I fits the palm of his hand. How u think he can be able to hold both both hearts?

Me: Phela mina I’ve grown up in a community where they respect, and acknowledge someone who has been MARRIAGE, those people were treated as the ones who has accomplished much and also complete. I also wanted to be among those, Complete and easily Defined!!!!

God: I’m hereby giving you an Authority, power to rule. Whatever u ask, whenever you need it by Faith will be Granted. Remember the heart belongs to you, if it’s not good in any way or experiencing troubles, do come to me by prayer,
