[Shayan’s apartment]

“Pexton listen to me, I am not Shayan. Shayan is gone.” She tried to reason with Pexton, she grew irritated overtime with his pursuits.

He hugged himself to her tighter, “Of course you are my love, the one I want to spend the rest of my life with.”

Shayal snapped, pushing Pexton away. This was the final straw, “Damn it Pexton! Get to your freaking senses already!” She huffed in anger. “It’s painful enough that i have to be reminded of my sister, so man up damn it! Accept it, as painful as it is.”

Pexton gritted his teeth as he grabbed her shoulder, pushing her hard against the wall as he faced her with anger and tears. “How can I move on?! She was supposed to be here for our wedding! How can I move on?”

He yelled desperately, as he sobbed uncontrollably.

Shayal’s heart clenched at Pexton’s pain, she knows he’s hurting but he needs to hear it, “You have no choice! None whatsoever, she is dead.”

“It’s easy for you to say that! You don’t know how much I miss her! You don’t know how she promised he’d be here for our special day but no! It’s easy for you to accept that she’s gone.” He yelled, holding on tightly on her shoulder.

She instinctively slapped him, “Easy for who?! Who is it easy for? Shayan is my blood, my very being! And you have a gull to stand here and tell me it’s easy for me simply because you are too week to accept it? Do not patronise me Pexton!”

He gritted his teeth again, anger now replaced by his tears when she slapped him.

“How am I supposed to accept that she’s dead? That the one person I love is gone? How is it easy for me to accept that I’ll never get to look into her eyes again or that I’ll never get to hear her laugh again?!”

Shayal fumed and words blurted out without much thought. “Damn join her then! And quit whimpering on my face! I cry everyday too, every freaking day!”

Shayal stormed out the apartment.

Pexton was stunned, watching Shayal walk out before he let out a shaky sigh, anger and tears visible on his face. It was the first time he ever heard her yell at anyone, him specifically. He clenched his fists before he yelled in frustration. He slowly sat on the ground as his tears fell rapidly. He was focused on how much he was hurting and now she just made it worse.