At Lunch Break
Khayiso: Hey Guys
Nombuso: Yeah
Khayiso: Let’s go to The Eat After School
Sambulo: With whoms Money Unless You are Willing to Wash the dishes ke Sisi
Nombuso: Count me out Ke If that is The matter
Sambulo: Yeah
Khayiso: Guys Listen I got the Cash
Sambulo: Wait did You sleep With mr Shevati?
Khayiso: Yeah Maybe
Nombuso: Khayi that is Risky We are In our Matric And If you are found Pregnat You will not Do the Finals and imange what will happen If you are Caught In bed with the hod Of Grade 12.
Khayiso: Ayi Jealousy is a Disease Ke Sis I will tell you get Well Soon my cutie.
Sambulo: We trying to Help we care and I Love You Khayiso
Khayiso: You Love Me? Khayiso Buhle Khumalo
Sambulo: Yes i do love you
Khayiso: Sam are an Inseure Matriclate who still sleeps with the Night light on So why would i love you You have a 46 year old Mom Who works as a Maid at a hospital You do not have Money Uyija You are Broke Get a Life Mxm.
She leaves
Sambulo left shattered at the ground he can’nt believe what his friend from kindgerden Has just Said.
Nombuso: Their are so many Beautiful smart Girls who will love you khayi is just imature please do not Cry.
4 Weeks later
Khayiso is now a Total Slay Slay. She is always at parties with her boyfriend Ryan. They are Sitted at a Balcony of a Fancy Resutart.
Ryan: You look Gorgerous my love Happy birthday
Khayiso: Thanks baby so where is the Surpise you were going to give me
Ryan: It is coming Waiter
Waiter: Yes sir
Ryan:Could you please call the musican in?
Waiter: Yes
He leaves Than a Few moments later dlawonga comes in and Performs.
Khayiso: Oh my gosh Baby i love i love Thanks
She hugs him
Ryan Knees down and Takes out a Diamond Necklace
Ryan: i got this necklace personally Made By a famous Jellwery Designer pure Diamond i just got one more Surpise
He Hands her a shopping Bag with a Lu vi bag.
Khayiso: Baby you are the Best i love you. I also have a Surpise Waiting at Your place. Let’s go
Ryan: Ladies First
They arrive at Ryan’s Place whers Khayiso makes him wait outside his bedroom . She comes out in a Sexy Lingire and they make love.
One day later
Ryan: iwish we could Always be Together baby.
Khayiso: Me too
Ryan: We got to get Ready for School
Khayiso: I still wanna Sleep love come do’nt go.
Ryan: i will go and ran the bath for us ok You just Relax Relax Ok.
Khayiso: Ok .
Her Phone Rings
Khayiso: it is mom Babe should i?
Ryan does not respond
Khayiso: Hey mama
Mom: Hey wena doti do you think that the house will Clean itself
Khayiso: Ma you have hands Right
Mom: I am your mom i Provide for you phela
Khayiso: Eyho You provide the last time i Checked i provided for myself
She hang up
Ryan: That Sounded Like an arugurement is everythink ok?
Khayiso:She is just mad Do not worry and thanks for coffee
She takes her coffee
Khayiso: Could you please Allow me to stay There for the Week until my mom Cools off
Ryan: No problem i Got you an Uber Black and you can go and Bath the cab will Arrive in an hour so I got to go Love you bye.