Boity and James continued with their life and she was back at home. One evening a knock on the Zwide residence was heard and Boity goes to answer it. She opens the door and a woman with a a baby was standing outside the door.” Hi mam how can I help you?” Boity smiles but the woman frowns,” hi please leave my husband James Barker alone I’m his wife and this is his last Born he no longer spends time with me”.
Boity froze for Abit the trauma came back and she quickly shut the door fearing the woman might be armed. Boity quickly blocks James and deletes his number she was so heartbroken,” I guess im not destined to love the man I love dumped me after taking my virginity and now James was using me all along I will never love again “, Boity broke down.
A week later Boitumelo was at work nursing her broken heart and wound when Mike comes down rushing ,”Boity come quick someone is looking for you”, Boity reluctantly stands up and goes outside what she sees shocks her,it was Jackson outside his lamborghini car and he was holding flowers looking so handsome.
Boity walks up to him,” you what are you doing are here you obbessed with me now ?”, Jackson smiles,” I’m here to get my wife, Boitumelo I’m really sorry for being a coward I didn’t realize how much I love you till you were gone I didn’t use you and I’m sorry for making you feel that way I did not want my old life to affect my future and was scared to put you in danger but I am now ready to face my new life as a non mafia please give our love a second chance”.
Boity smiles and agrees,” I’m sorry too Jackson I was so hurt and felt abused, hurt and used im sorry for choosing James over you I do love you too and I’m ready to forgive you and give our love a second chance “.
Boity and Jackson shared a kiss and all was well. Months later Boity and Jackson got married with a big wedding and Jackson could not believe he had finally found true love.” I love you Boitumelo Swiss” Boity giggles i love you to Mr Swiss.