You know… I still remember High school like it was Yesterday, I can’t really tell people how we met but … I know we did chat on mxit… (Mind me I knew Him …. i just wasn’t used to him until we chatted on mxit)

(Rolls eyes)… he was not what I’d initially go for in a “Boyfriend “….(laughs) …he was too funny to be my Boyfriend…But nah ill use the word “stupid “.. fits just right.

He was in my class in Grade 11 and Matric …But in matric… he was now my Buddy. We’d walk home together ❤… everyday . (Laughs ) I used to hide from other guys and used him as an excuse everytime… little did I know that he was falling for me.

See…Music speaks to my soul… But He gave me the rhythm ❤ He loves Music with passion …Therefore he taught my Soul how to dance to his tune…Till today when I listen to music…he’s still the missing pieces of the lyrics .

Life after matric was….well it was Life. But he’d visit me everyday and we’d talk alot on the phone too. We did everything together Basically. My Family knew him and his family knew me🌹

We built a Bond❤ through the deepest core of our hearts… The transparency between us was innocent… so innocent that we did not realize what was in front of us.