Every primary learner’s dream is to reach high school. Not because they will be closer to going to varsity, but because it shows that they have grown. It is simply the beginning of their teenage life and all that comes with being a teenager . Get to make mistakes , go through some stuff and learn from them.

Koyisa also longed to go to high school. She always wanted to wear the high school uniform, because to her it symbolized growth and that one’s journey to the creation of a better destiny begins. She thought as time goes by she will be like the other girls wear short skirts and behave like every other normal girl in the society. Well that was not her way of wearing and behaving. she behaved in her own kind of way she saw normal. She felt more comfortable in wearing long skirts. She was confident but her confidence was not through the way she wore but that was just a cherry on top of her big bubbly personality .

Her first day was not really that great. She had two friends but on that day she went to school with her other friend Nausa who had the same dressing sense as her. Well their other friend Meruta saw that she was way out of their league now. She didn’t want to walk or even talk to them. Even though they tried to talk to her, she talked to them because she had no choice but spent the rest of the day with her new “cool friends” who weren’t wearing like grannies. 

Yes her new friend had told Koyisa and Nausa that their skirts are way too long and they look like grannies. And that they should at least cut them because they wearing like grannies and they still young girls. The fact that Meruta is no longer their friend hurt Koyisa more than it did to Nausa . Well she then made terms with that they no longer friends and carried on with life. 

A few days after opening schools she had already made new friends. She was more of a socializing person. She liked knowing other people and having a good relationship with them and didn’t like having enemies. Even she meant good it was a bad idea. She had not that of deep voice but had a deep voice. One time she was in class with this other friend of hers talking to this other boys her friend knew. They were having a innocent conversation and even laughing. At some point Mike one of the boys started making comments about Koyisa’s voice.

“You sure speak like a man. What have you swallowed? No man you should vomit that whatever thing so you can speak like a normal girl.”

They all laughed including Koyisa. She was used to this kind of comments and they didn’t bother her. But little did she know that those were not once off comments.

 The following day Mike threw more comments and this time he was joined by his friend Daniel. It was at that point that they started getting to her. The whole class heard them and they all started laughing at her except for her friend Nausa. 

Her friend didn’t entertain things and tried encouraging Koyisa to not mind them. Unfortunately Koyisa took their comments to heart and started feeling insecure about her voice. 

Over the weekends she started training herself to speak like other girls and fortunately for her she managed to change the way she spoke a little bit and it helped. She didn’t report them to anyone because by then she didn’t even think it was anything serious and it had stopped.