It felt like years since I last saw her….. I missed her adorable Smile…
Njabulo: bafo
Kabelo: what?
Njabulo: mft You have been sitting here for like 3 hours we need to work
Kabelo : I miss kuhle
Njabulo : Nx this girl gave you a portion I am Telling you… Fanele nje sihambe siyokipha liyo nto onayo uphalaze ( we need to go and take that thing out of You and you Must Vomit it
Kabelo : Mxm
Njabulo :Ngepela.
Yolanda: Sanibonani
Njabulo :Awu Ntokazi emhlophe
Yolanda : Uma sent me to bring you guys your food
Njabulo: OK Siyabonga ntokazi
Yolanda: Yebo Nisale kahle
She left
Njabulo : did you see that?
Kabelo : She is barely a 9
Njabulo: Listen she is Still Pure man
Kabelo: You kidding right?
Njabulo: Of cause Not