I woke up and Sat at the Stoop outside my House. Man What was I gonna Do?
Mbail: Kuhle How dare you huh?
Kuhle: I beg your Pardon?
Mbail: You Used my Soap Kuhle My Soap!!!!
Kuhle: I didn’t
Mbail: Awu Soo I am a Liar Manje Huh? Ma!!!!!! Mahhh!!!!!
Grace: Awu What’s going on here?
Mbail: Mah this Witch Used my Soap and finished it !!
Kuhle: I-
I Felt a Hot slap on my face.
Grace: First of all you bring Shame to my family Manje you call my daughter a liar what do you think you are huh?
Kuhle: I really didn’t ( crying)
Grace: You will Go and get Money to Replace Mbail’s Soap are we Clear?!!!
Kuhle: Yebo Auntie.
Grace: Witch!!! Like Mother Like Daughter… And do you think that the Food Is gonna Cook it’s Self Huh!!!
Kuhle: Auntie I am Experiencing a Severe headache.
Grace: So?