
I sat at My Balcony.. Where was She?

Nthanzi: Nkosi Yam

Kabelo: Where is she?

Nthanzi: Nkosi Yam… Apparently She and Her Boyfriend are handed to the Airport

Kabelo: She and Who? Never ever Say that’s her Boyfriend I am her only lover..

Nthanzi: Apologies My King

Kabelo: Soo Pls Book me a Flight Ticket to Johhansburg

Nthanzi: For When?

Kabelo: This Evening

Nthanzi: What Shall I tell the Mother queen

Kabelo: That I have gone to Kuhle Whatelse and Tell her that I Don’t Wanna get Married Anymore

Nthanzi: My King but-

Kabelo: I Hate Buts Go and Book me a Flight Make sure it’s Suits my Standards and 10 Star Hotel in Johhansburg Contact my Wardrobe Designer as Well and If You don’t do as I say Consider Yourself Fired or if I find the Slightest Mistake You Fired

Nthanzi: Yes my King

Kabelo: Pour me my hand Whiskey

Nthanzi: Yes My King

Kabelo: And Bring my Cigar to My Room

As Soon as I entered my Room I was Surpised to find Yolanda there

Kabelo: What are You going here?

Yolanda: Is that the way to greet your Wife Kabelo?

Kabelo: Get Out!

Yolanda: What?

Kabelo: Puma Get Out of My Room!!

Njabulo: what is all this Noise for?

Kabelo: Thank you for Coming Take this thing Out Of Here