I was sitting in the dining room table eating dinner with Prince.
Prince: So how was your day?
Kuhle: hectic you won’t believe how many orders we had today.. I feel like we need to get a Larger Space yazi
Prince: Yeah I think that would be a good thing for the business
Kuhle: Prince I thought about the thing you said
Prince’s phone
Prince: Beautiful I need to go and answer this quickly ok
Kuhle: ok
I quickly went to my bedroom..
Prince: hello
Kabelo: Mngani Wam Unjani Kodwa?
Prince: kabelo!!!! Wait how did you get my number?
Kabelo What did f** did he want from me! Tryna Ruin my chances?
Kuhle: Who is it? WAIT IS THAT KABELO? .
Kabelo: Can I talk to Kuhle?
Prince: what do you want? I am a busy right now
Kabelo: Mmmm Ok Striaght to the point.. I am getting married
Prince: Wow Congrats Man
Kabelo: Yeah Thanks… man to be honest-
Prince: Shi* I got to Go
Kabelo: I will email you the Details
I hung up
Prince: baby!