I Couldn’t believe it
Zinhle: Uyashada?
Kuhle: Yes chomie
Zinhle: You need to be there chomie
Zinhle now works at a Hairdressing Salon she is doing washing my hair.
Kuhle: Me?
Zinhle: Yes You need to stop that wedding phela kabelo ngowakho ntase ngeke nje
Kuhle: Yeah but… does he like me? Like still like me and why is he getting married?
Zinhle: You Need to go and Seek those answers from him
Kuhle: you right
Zinhle: where is prince?
Kuhle: He is at home chomie
Zinhle: but nawe chomie vala la.. how could you sleep with Prince thee Prince
Kuhle: Mft have you ever Seen him Shirtless? That man is Hot
Zinhle: You made the guy break up with his 3 year girlfriend…
Kuhle: if you would see him shirtless you will know why I did it
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