Nandy’s illness made her realize the importance of family, as she reunites with her long-lost son. Along the process there are lives which are lost. Jeanette and Mandy are doing very well in exile they are happy after some time, and they have learned to accept and understand one another they have found peace, but the question is has peace found them?
For you to understand this part you must read the previous one
Harry Washington- Neurologist specialist
Terry Roberts- Doctor
Busizwe Mbulazi- Mary’s brother in law
Zanobuntu Gray- Psychiatrist
Busiwe Mbulazi- Jeanette’s sister
Gerald Jackson- husband
Monica Mkhize Jackson- 3rd wife
Nandy Mbomvu Jackson- mother
Mary Nxumalo- Jeanette’s mother
Zoleka Vayeni Groetboom- Moffassa’s wife
Rebecca Nyathi Masuku- helper
Mandy Gumede Jackson- 2nd wife
Jeanette Nxumalo Jackson-3rd wife