At Break Time…Riya exiting the Principal’s office with a prefect badge…heading to Ora
Ora: mhhm So now you’ll be closing the gate on me everytime I’m late huh
Riya: you better not make this difficult for me Ora… your late coming has to stop!!.. laughing…( Suddenly the Ball hits her head)….. awwwww!!!!!
Kenny approaching : yooh sorry..I’m so sorry …can I please have the Ball Rii….
Riya: sure.. it’s Okay
Kenny: once again I’m sorry… can I see you after school? If…you don’t mind
Riya: Okay Kenny did you hit me on purpose so that you can come and talk to me??? And by the way I walk with Nono after school…so NO
Kenny: noooo that was a mistake believe me…okay it’s cool I guess another time then…( Running back to the Boys)
Ora: ughhh This Guy annoys the shhh out of me… O Rude and Bossy Ae… what did he want? * pretending that she didn’t hear a thing
Riya: mx Niks …he’s Boring oo…
Ora: You better not date him Riya..
Riya: me? Da…oh hell no….laughing
A few hours after school Riya and other prefects are checking if all the classes are neat and noting down…while Nono waits for her…and the boys at the soccer practice are repping it up with the soccer Gear
Riya: okay Done…let’s bounce girl
Nono: cool lemme tie my shoes…*ties her shoes then they walk…
Nono: so…. is it me oR bo Kenny bare setse morago???
Riya: * not wanting to turn around….. Kenny??? Le mang??
Nono: he’s with keletso…Nevermind they’re he…
Keletso: HI girls…anyway congrats on being the school prefect Riya…it had to be you..
Riya: *unsettled …uh Thanks Keletso….(Kenny grabbing her waist behind)
Kenny: soo…now I have your attention huh?
Riya: kkkenny….santshwara yalo haw….(As they stop walking….while Keletso and Nono carry on)
Kenny: * hugging her waist*…do you have any idea how beautiful you are???… okare we’re not in the same class…I totally forget that sometimes coz you’re so quite…
Riya: *Blushing* …well..I’ve been told…thanks tho. And shouldn’t you guys be heading home??
Kenny: ( As they walk..)… and miss this opportunity to talk to you?? Nah… but re sharp retlo jika eskgale nna le keletso…
Riya: hmm okay if you say so…
Kenny: Riya I LOVE YOU…..*looking right at her eyes*
Riya: kkkenny…you…you don’t know what you’re talking about…(Suddenly Kenny pulls her And kisses her And she kisses him back)( Meanwhile Keletso kisses Nono at the front)
Kenny: see you tomorrow…(quickly turning around….) Keletso a re vaye Mon!
Keletso Quickly says bye to Nono then they Leave
Nono : what in the universe just happened!!!???? *Jumping with joy*
Riya: * laughing in disbelief *…. I know Right??? God…Kenny is so sexyyyyyyy
Nono: Keletso is a baad boyyyy…*Blushing *
Riya: haayi friend sharp gotta go
Nono: will talk on the phone Babe
They laugh and separate, heading home