In the Morning At the school Gate….Riya And Ora walk into school
Riya: Talk About timing…what Time did you leave home na?

Ora: lol I don’t really know heyy…at least today you’ll quit saying you got here first (pushing her head)

Riya: heeeey Watch my hair!!

Nono: Giiiirls….(passing by)

Riya: hey Nono…. whispering (Omg her mini skirt gets on my damn nerves… can she ever be a lady)

Ora: Giggles*…. it’s the Curves darling …let’s get in class time is up. .

Bell rings and they all head to assembly… Principal announces that school prefects will be chosen today. Only 3 of them

……….in Class 
MamJina : Morning class !

Class: ( standing up..Morning Mam)

Mamjina : You may be seated….now you all heard the principal… buuut That’s not how I’ll be doing things in my class…I’m choosing the prefects by myself okay! But first I’m changing this seating arrangement… I’m gonna need all the boys in the front…stand up! Boys …

Class :…..Boys standing up

Mamjina: good… Now Girls I’m gonna need you to choose your man…that’s your table mate

Class: * Laughs…. but Mam nooooo noooo

Mamjina : come on now quick…we should start with our first lesson and I need to choose prefects after this…hurry up!

Class: ( Girls randomly choose boys they’ll be sitting with quickly)
Mamjina: mhhm Nice… Riya and Paul, at break time kindly go to the Principal’s office and tell her you 2 are my choice for the school prefects, okay and the other one is in the next class…
Both: Yes Mam!