Silindeokuhle all she was thinking of was how she can escape but the following day in the morning when she went outside to check where her parents were there was a young maiden from the palace awaiting for her. She asked what is she doing at her father’s place but she was told that from now on she will be accompanying her wherever she goes to make sure she is safe and she is taking her to go shopping for new clothes, jewellary and everything she will need before her wedding.

Silindeokuhle went to her parents bedroom shouting asking what is it is she hearing!

Silindeokuhle’s father: My daughter look at the bright side, already you have a maiden who will do all the chores for you. You are already treated like a queen. Imagine when you get to the palace.

Silindeokuhle: Father what about my dreams? Mom please say something!

Silindeokuhle’s father: Your mother has nothing to say in this matter, I’m the man in this house and my word is final. Your marriage is tomorrow already at the palace they’re preparing for your arrival. You will be fetched here tomorrow morning by your in-laws.

It was already finalized and Silindeokuhle’s father had already received her 1 million and he already bought a land to grow crops and also bought chickens and pigs. Everything was going accordingly and after the marriage him and his wife will be moving in to their new home which the King bought for them.

Silindeokuhle was sitting in her room crying feeling helpless and hopeless. The maiden from the palace was sitting besides her asking when can she be ready to go to the shops. Silindeokuhe told her to go all alone she can but whatever she gave her all her sizes. She stayed in her room crying asking how can a man who raised her now be the one requesting fir he hand in marriage and worse she still haven’t seen him or had a conversation with him especially now that she’ll be sent to him as a wife. She questioned herself what will happen when she gets there. Will she be with the King or be allowed to sleep alone for her first night at the palace.

The following morning was the day of the wedding, her mother woke her up, 3 more maidens from the palace were there to help and prepare her. When it was time for the King and his royal family to come fetch their bride, a heavy rain came. The clouds were dark. Some of the buildings fell they were destroyed by the heavy rain. Silindeokuhle’s father’s crops died. His pigs and chickens died.