Things between me and Shakira haven’t been going well. I’m too nervous when I’m around her so I’ve started ditching her. I only see her at certain times but most of the time I’m either alone or with Jaguar and Nkwe.

Today we were enjoying our day off when Boss told us we have to escort Shakira to a nearby mall. I’m excited but the guys, not so much. I walk up to her door and quickly knock.

“Boss said you want to go out so I brought these two. Let’s go,” I nervously speak as she opens the door. I didn’t even greet her. I feel like killing myself right now.

As she walks out, she looks like a dream. I’ve never seen her dressed like this before. I know they said we should disguise ourselves but she’s looking amazing. I’m just wearing shorts and a vest. It’s a hot day and it wouldn’t hurt to show off some muscle.

As soon as she closes the door of the Jeep I speed off. We have to disguise ourselves so much that we also have to drive like the people we’re dressed as. We are talking so loud that I think Shakira’s getting a headache.

The people we pass must think we’re drunk or going to a party. I speed over stop signs and speed humps. I almost hit the roof of the car so many times. As we approach the mall, I park recklessly and jump out of the car. According to the disguises, and because the guys said so, Shakira’s my girl for the trip. We’re going to be acting like we’re a couple.

The mall’s usual flowery smell is masked by the smell of the petrol and burning tyres from yesterday. There was a riot nearby and the aftermath is left in the air and carried by the wind.

I walk closely to her and she starts giggling for no reason. I look at her, confused and she rolls her eyes and looks away.

We enter a cosmetics’ store and she immediately rushes to go get what she wants. I keep a close eye on her and don’t compromise. She takes her time and I personally don’t mind waiting. Damn! I’m talking like a stupid teenager. I feel like one too. She’s ruining my mind.

While I fight with my thoughts, a guy approaches her. They talk for some time and I can sense some tension emanating from them. As I step closer, the guy drops a bottle of gas on the floor. Smoke fills the space and I can’t see anything.

“Shakira!” I scream but there’s no response.

Jaguar and Nkwe check everywhere in the mall. We can’t find them. On our way to HQ, I call Boss and tell him what happened.

“Don’t worry. We’re on it,” he assures me.

When we arrive he meets me in the barn with a piece of paper.

“She’s here,” Boss says pointing to the co-ordinates on the paper.

“How did you know?” I ask in shock.

“We kind of put trackers on all of you,” Boss replies with a smile.

“Ho…how?” I ask again.

“I’ll tell you later. The guy who took her is Hatari. We checked the mall’s CCTV footage. You need to go NOW,” Boss orders me.

Without wasting anytime, I take a team of 20 soldiers. We arm ourselves and then we leave. There’s a bit of a breeze outside so as we drive, I open the windows for some fresh air. Some nice relaxed fresh air. Within minutes we’re directed to the farm. The tracker shows us that she’s in the barn.

Moving carefully, we position ourselves around it and some manage to hide in the trusses of the barn.

We can hear them talking. Well we can mostly hear Hatari because he is screaming his lungs out.

“Please stop! Please,” Shakira shouts while crying.

“I wish I could oblige but if I stop then my plan wouldn’t be complete. I hate leaving things unfinished honey,” Hatari answers.

He is busy torturing her. I look closely and I see him stabbing her with knives on her thighs. I could just tear him apart right now.

Shakira mumbles something and Hatari answers her, “Oh is that a threat coming from the lady tied up on a chair, bleeding to her death? Fat chance love.”

I signal Nkwe to attack and he shoots Hatari in the thigh. Hatari picks up his gun and starts shooting at the trusses. Nkwe drops a bottle of gas and this gives me a chance to fetch Shakira. I quickly untie her and take her outside to the car.

“Are you okay?” I ask her while examining her wounds.

“I think I am. Please take these knives out of me. The pain is unbearable,” she cries out.

It breaks me to see her like this so I come up with an idea, “I’m sorry Shaks but I can’t. If I do then you’ll be in more pain and you’ll lose a lot of blood but I can take out the ones on your thighs.”

She agrees. I look around for a cloth but then I remember that she’s always wearing her uniform under her clothes. So I rip her shirt and make strips from it. I look at her and pull out one knife from her thigh.

Her ear-splitting screams make me lose my mind for a second. I quickly tie her up. After taking out the other knives I realise that she’s losing consciousness.

“Hey, look at me. We’re almost at HQ. You will get help okay?” I say to her. I can’t lose you too Shakira. Stay with me, I think to myself.

The car comes to a quick stop and I pick up Shakira.

“We need a wheelchair!” I yell as I carry her inside HQ.

Someone brings the wheelchair and we rush her to the emergency room. When I look at her I realise that she’s losing consciousness.

“Shakira stay up. Shakira,” I talk to her but she can’t answer me.

The doctors start working on her and the nurses chase me out of the operating room. I cry silently in a corner and quickly dry my tears when I hear Jaguar’s voice.

“Is she okay?” he asks.

“Yeah she’s fine,” I reply. He probably sees my red eyes and swollen eyelids.

“Okay uhmm, Hatari got away,” he announces and immediately I’m filled with this overwhelming anger.


“He ran away.”

“So you’re telling me that 20 soldiers. 20 highly trained soldiers couldn’t contain 1 man. What is wrong with you?” I ask full of anger.

Before he can answer I walk away and go to my office. The only place that keeps me sane.