Search Shakira van Rooyen

I type her name in the search bar. I’m determined to know what’s up with this little lady. The results pop up and my oh my are they interesting.

Search results:

Names: Shakira Emily van Rooyen

Born: 5 May 1998

Father: Norman Wayne van Rooyen

Mother: Leticia van Rooyen

Known for: Miles Kalane case

Miles Kalane? He was a crazy man who worked in the police force. How is she related to him?

Search Kalane case

Search results:

On 06 July 2020 the city of Lunda was raided by the Berets. They had almost finished when the police showed up. Deputy Shakira van Rooyen among others, was one of the first ones to the scene. As a highly trained officer and World Champion in Mixed Martial Arts (MMA), she was honoured in the force despite her young age.

Many of her colleagues discriminated and verbally abused her.

On the day of the incident, she was working with her team in the neighbourhood of Luna. After successfully fending off the Berets, John Kalane approached her. He congratuled her and “said he would love to have a taste of such greatness.” Confused by his words, Shakira didn’t think much off them.

The next morning she arrived first at work. She described the day as “hopeless, sad and arid, like the events of the previous day had sucked all the love in life. I have always been the first one to the station and I loved it. That day, something felt off. I wanted to go back home.”

A few minutes passed and one of her colleagues, Miles Kalane, her superior, arrived. They talked for some time and he mentioned again his words from the previous day. This time Shakira left him and went to change into her uniform. Unintentionally and “luckily” she locked the door to the change rooms.

While undressing, someone turned the doorknob but found out that it was locked. A moment passed and she heard a knock on the door. She asked who it was but got no answer. The knocking persisted and at one point she threatened to beat up the person, thinking she’s being pranked.

Miles shouted and told her to open the door. She refused and he got worse. He kicked the door multiple times. CCTV footage shows him even picking up a chair and throwing it at the door.

Shakira asked him what does he want and he replied by shouting “the greatness”. She then shouted at him repeatedly telling him to stop his eratic behaviour but he did not cease. Shakira took out her gun and fired warning shots in the ceiling to try and scare him.

He replied by saying, “I’m not scared of a gun. Especially one in your hands. You know you want me too Shaks. Now open up.” The conflict continued for a few more minutes until Miles shot the door. He shot the lock three times and it opened after he kicked it.

Shakira said that this was the scariest thing to ever happen to her.

“I don’t think that image will ever leave my mind. A crazy man walking around the room, kicking the lockers and waving a gun around while wildly calling out your name. It’s traumatising.”

She hid in one of the empty lockers. He went around opening each and every one of them, looking for her. Something distracted him and the moment he looked away, Shakira jumped out and shot him.

She shot him 6 more times and then ran out of the room to go get help.

Shakira’s co-workers were questioned as to why they ignored the commotion. They answered by saying that they were scared to help. Many of them had been abused by Miles and it was later revealed that he had a mental disorder.

Even though they themselves were traumatised, they were fined for not helping Shakira and his victims were admitted to a rehab center.

Shakira retired from the police force and stated that she misses her work despite the amount of discrimination she was getting.

I should’ve known. No one can be so conserved and private for no reason. She’s been through a lot and I guess she wants to start afresh. Too bad everything’s on the internet. I don’t think I should mention this to her. Let the past be the past.