You know, when I first fell in love with you, I didn’t think about how much love I would get or give. I always knew I would love with all my heart, but I never expected to be so deeply challenged and inspired by the way you love me. I used to think that I would love my girlfriend more than she loved me, but I’ve come to realize that might not be true. Every time I say, “I love you more,” you do or say something that makes me wonder if perhaps, you love me even more than I thought possible.

I call you my world because when I’m with you, it feels like we’re in our own universe, where all that matters is us. I call you my Smile Keeper because you’re the reason behind my brightest smiles. Whenever I’m with you, I can’t help but smile or blushβ€”it’s just automatic. Even the conversations we have in bed after being so close, where words seem unnecessary and yet we still find ourselves talking about things we might not need toβ€”those moments inevitably lead us to dreams of our future together.

I like it how after having sex you look straight to my eyes and say “babe i love you too much but i will always put my parents first and you too should put your mother first before me” and my respond be “my love i love how you give me your time and support, and every moment we spend together means so much to me. Looking ahead, I hope you can also share that same love and support with our children. It would mean the world to me to see them receive the same kindness and attention you’ve shown me”.

I know we’ve had our rough moments before we started dating, but let’s not dwell on the past. Just as we’ve locked our hearts together, let’s lock away those tough times and let them drift away like a river. I am completely committed to you and want to spend my whole life with you. So, Miss July, will you marry me and spend your life with me?