Lifting her head from her camera, through which she had been trying to perfectly measure her lenses Lisa recoiled instinctively from the camera in front of her .
She looks around for a model to pose so she could start working – all the models around her are either getting their hair done or adding some finishing touches on their faces so she decides to go sit next to the set of light rings and focus in her phone. Suddenly her phone gets over shadowed by a dark but firm shadow and before she could raise her head to look up, her nose catches a strong but firm alpha male scent and for some reason she started to feel like she could just shrink herself into a small insect and fly off.

“You are bound to look up at some point, ” says a strong piercing cold voice which instantly made her want to run away but she couldn’t now could she … So she looked up to stare straight into the ice blue eyes of a shockingly handsome man in a neat navy blue designer three piece suit his hair is black and shiny .
At this point now everyone in the studio is looking at them wondering what was going on because everyone could easily read the fear on Lisa’s face .
She had turned from beautiful to red and pale in an instant.

 “You are invading my privacy you know,” she says as she is trying to survive her racing heartbeat when he moves back and stares at her excepting her to stop whatever it is her focus is on. When she finally does she stands up and looks at her staff who are standing and watching them closely and eagerly waiting to see what happens next or how his awkward moment will end.

“Can I have a word with you in private of course,” says the man in front of her.

She looks at her staff and tells them to continue with their work as she leads the way to the exit and the walk to the parking lot a few minutes away from the studio which her brother  had just recently bought as he had grown tired of having to rent out studios every single time he had to do a shoot for his magazine. Only difference is this time around he couldn’t do the shoot himself as he had a last minute meeting with the board of his newly formed partnership with Vouge so he called Lisa and asked to do him a favour which she could’ve said no to, but because she was on a 3 day off she said yes, knowing deep down she hated the career path her brother had taken simply because their late father was in that field too and she knew it’s darkest secrets and how many photographers took advantage of the young and vulnerable who wanted to make it in the modelling industry. Something she hoped her brother wasn’t ever going to do .